Dr. Clever Madimutsa

Department of Government and Management Studies
Senior Lecturer
Head of Department

Academic Qualifications:

PhD (University of the Western Cape)

MPA (University of Zambia)

BA (University of Zambia)


Clever Madimutsa is a lecturer and Head of the Department of Government and Management Studies at the University of Zambia. He also served as Coordinator of Postgraduate Programmes in the same department from 2016 to 2021. Currently, he teaches Introduction to Public Administration and Communication Skills at undergraduate level and Research Methods and Techniques, Issues in Development Administration, Human Resource Management and Labour Relations at postgraduate level.

Consultancy and Commissioned Research

2023: Associate Consultant in a research project titled: “African Peer Review Mechanism: Zambia’s Second-Generation Country Self-Assessment” undertaken jointly by the Department of Government and Management Studies, University of Zambia and the Ministry of Justice, Zambia. The project was funded by the African Union.

2010 - 2011:    Co-Researcher/Data Analyst in a research project titled: “Assessment of the State of Democracy in Zambia” undertaken jointly by the Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Zambia and the Foundation for Democratic Process. The project was funded by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA).

2006 - 2007:    Co-Researcher in a research project titled: “The Evolution and Development of the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) in Zambia” funded by the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

2004: Research Supervisor in a project titled: “Attitudes towards Political Parties in Zambia” undertaken by the Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of Zambia.

2003: Surveyor/Data Analyst in a research project titled: “National Governance Baseline Survey” undertaken by the Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Zambia and funded by the World Bank in conjunction with the Ministry of Legal Affairs, Zambia.

Membership to Professional bodies:

He is a fellow and trustee of the Association for Public Administration in Zambia (APAZ). He is also a member of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) – Zambia Chapter.

Research Interests
  • Public sector reform
  • Labour relations,
  • Human resource management and;
  • Governance


Wamunyima, N.A., Madimutsa, C., Shikabi, P., Hang’andu, M. and Nyirenda, T.C. (2024). Outsourcing in the Public Sector and Its Negative Effects on Service Delivery in Zambia. The African Review. https://doi.org/10.1163/1821889x-bja10096

Siachisa, M., Madimutsa, C., Mulima, S.S. and Nguluwe, P.R. (2023). Privatization, Public Debt, and Exploitation of Citizens in Zambia. African Journal of Public Administration and Environmental Studies, 2(2): 5-23. https://journals.co.za/doi/full/10.31920/2753-3182/2023/v2n2a1

Chewe, M., Madimutsa, C., Daka, E. and Namukombo, J. (2023). New Public Governance and Undermining of the Public Interest in Zambia. African Journal of Sociological and Psychological Studies, 3(2): 5-26. https://journals.co.za/doi/full/10.31920/2752-6585/2023/v3n2a1

Daka, M. and Madimutsa, C. (2023). The Role of Local Networks in Domestic Solid Waste Collection in Lusaka, Zambia. African Journal of Public Administration and Environmental Studies, 2(1): 73–86.

Sithole, E., Madimutsa, C. and Bwalya, M.C. (2023). Adequacy of Career Progression Instructions in Influencing Promotions of Commissioned Officers in the Zambia Defence Force. African Journal of Career Development, 5(1): a67.

Gwasupika, J. and Madimutsa, C. (2022). Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining in Local Councils in Zambia: Tactics and Challenges. African Journal of Sociological and Psychological Studies, 2(2): 43–58.

Madimutsa, C. (2022). Industrial Relations, Social Dialogue and Pacification of Public Sector Unions in Zambia: Rethinking Trade Union Strategies. Journal of Asian and African Studies.

Madimutsa, C., Malisase, R., Daka, E. and Chewe, M. (2021). Public Sector Reform and the Introduction of Neoliberal Capitalism in African Socialist States: The Case of Zambia. Review of Radical Political Economics, 53(3): 462–477.

Madimutsa, C. and Pretorius, L.G. (2021). Public Sector Reform and the Challenges of Open and Expansive Unionism in Zambia. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 56(4): 707–720.

Nyakalale, P. and Madimutsa, C. (2021). Challenges Facing the Implementation of the Green Movement in Residential Areas in Lusaka, Zambia. Africa Journal of Public Sector Development and Governance, 4(1): 128–142.

Daka, M. and Madimutsa, C. (2020). Collaborative Governance and Community Participation in Solid Waste Management in Lusaka. African Journal of Governance and Development, 9(2): 524-542.

Madimutsa, C. (2019). Using the Case Study Method to Examine the Implications of Public Sector Reform for Public Sector Unions. SAGE Research Methods Cases.

Madimutsa, C. and Pretorius, L.G. (2018). Public-Private Partnerships and Industrial Relations in the Public Sector in Zambia. African Journal of Public Affairs, 10(4): 310-325.

Madimutsa, C. and Pretorius, L.G. (2017). Revisiting Trade Unions’ Response to New Public Management: A case from Zambia. Public Personnel Management, 46(3): 288-307.

Chipenzi, M., Kaela, L.C.W., Madimutsa, C., Momba, J.C., Mubanga, H., Muleya, N. and Musamba, C. (2011). The State of Democracy in Zambia. Lusaka: FODEP/UNZA-PAS. 

Momba, J.C. and Madimutsa, C. (2009). The Evolution and Development of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy in Zambia. SAIIA Occasional Paper No 17. Braamfontein: South African Institute of International Affairs.

Conference Papers

Namukombo, J. and Madimutsa, C. (2023). “Trade Unions and the Changing Character of Working Classes in Zambia”. Paper presented at the SMAIAS-ASN Summer School on Popular Movements Today: Class Struggles in Rural and Urban Peripheries. Harare and Online, 16–20 January.

Madimutsa, C. and Pretorius, L.G. (2016). “The Role of Governance Networks in Economic Development: Lessons from Zambia”. Paper presented at the ASSADPAM Annual Conference on Towards the Accountable State: Respecting Citizens’ Rights, Delivering Services. Cape Town, 25-27 October.

Momba, J.C. and Madimutsa, C. (2007). “The Evolution and Development of the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) in Zambia”. Paper presented at the SAIIA Conference on Comparing Experiences of Political Party Consolidation in Africa. Johannesburg, 23 May.

Contact Details
C/O University of Zambia School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Government and Management Studies, P.O. Box 32379 Lusaka, Zambia. Email: clever.madimutsa@unza.zm