Eva Nambeye

Department of Animal Sciences

Academic Qualifications:

  • M.S. Aquaculture Nutrition, Lilongwe University.
  • B. Agric Sc. Animal Science, University of Zambia

Eva Nambeye joined the Animal Science Department as a Staff Development Fellow in August, 2014. She then went on to pursue her studies at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources in 2015 which earned her a Master of Science degree in Aquaculture in 2017. Areas of research interest include Aquaculture nutrition and production.

  1. Nambeye, E., Valeta, J., Jere, W. and Kang’ombe, J. 2018. Evaluating Growth Performance of Oreochromis karongae (Pisces: Cichlidae) in an Indoor Biofloc Technology System (article in press at Aquaculture).
  2. Nambeye, E., Valeta, J., Jere, W. and Kang’ombe, J. 2018. Qualitative and Biochemical Analysis of Biofloc in an Indoor Biofloc Technology System Culturing Oreochromis Karongae (article in press at Aquaculture).
  3. Chibinga, O.C. and Nambeye, E. 2016. Nutritive value of some selected indigenous livestock browse species in the dry lands of Southern Province, Zambia, International Journal of Applied and Pure Science and Agriculture, 2, pp 61-66.