The Department of Psychology houses the Centre for Promotion of Literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa (CAPOLSA). Under this initiative, Staff in the Department of Psychology have demonstrated the use of teaching innovations through the use of a computer-assisted learning resource called GraphoGameTM. GraphoGameTM is a highly innovative online environment self-centered literacy game for learning letter-sound correspondences. The efficiency and effectiveness of GraphoGameTM innovation have been recognized in several research conducted in Zambia’s government schools, both in rural and urban areas. As evidenced by the scientific research conducted in Zambia, the literacy game does not only influence the rate at which early grade learners acquire reading skills but also acts as a mechanism for improving the teaching practices of teachers in early grades. Finally, the Department offers a specialized course in participatory Monitoring and Evaluation. This course draws participation from industry, civil society, government departments, and so on and so forth.
