Bachelor of Laws Programme 2nd Year Entry Direct Entry into the School of Law
The University of Zambia, School of Law invites applicants for undergraduate 2nd-year direct entry admission to the 2024/2025 academic year.
Entry requirements for admission are as follows:
- Applicants must possess full Grade 12 certificate with five 'O' levels, including English at credit or better; AND
- "A" Level passes in three(3) subjects including English; OR
- Hold a first degree in any field of study from a recognized university; OR
- Hold a professional qualification that is academically equivalent to a degree.
Please note that meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee admission to the programme. Admission to the programme is provisional, and subject to the availability of places.
The University reserves the right to cancel any admission obtained based on false documents.
- Application forms can be obtained from the School of Law, Assistant Registrar's Office, UNZA Great East Road campus, upon payment of a non-refundable application fee of K150.00 for Zambians or USD 60.00 for non-Zambians.
- Payment for application forms should be made either at Standard Chartered Bank, Account Number: 0100110273800, or ZANACO account number: 0306506302182, UNZA Registrars Department. Kindly ensure that the deposit slip bears full details of the applicant as well as the School.
- Application forms can also be downloaded from the official UNZA Website.
All correspondence relating to admissions should be addressed to:
The Dean
School of Law
University of Zambia
PO Box 32379
Lusaka, Zambia
Kindly note that the deadline for receiving Applications for the 2024/2025 second (2nd) year direct entry intake is Friday 20th December, 2024.
Those who applied earlier through customer service should complete fresh application forms, and attach a copy of their receipt of payment issued to them that time.
Dr Annie K. Chewe
Dean - Law