Research Reports

  • Amanda Lenhardt, Andrew Shepherd, Arthur Moonga, Asif Shahan, Bipasa Banerjee, Chanmony Sean, Courtney Hallink, Joseph Simbaya, Kate Bird, Manjistha Banerji, Marta Eichsteller, Marty Chen, Mirza Hassan, Nashipai Karinten, Raeesa Rahemin, Roberte Isimbi, Santanu Pramanik, Sophany San, Theavy Chom, Vidya Diwakar, Yisak Tafere,Alfred Bizoz  (2023) Chronic Poverty Report 2023 Pandemic Poverty
  • Chipepo Kankasa, Joseph Simbaya, Kebby Musokotwane, Mary Nambao, Eileen Yam, Samuel Kalibala (2018) Evaluation of the Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV program in Zambia.
  • Joseph Simbaya, Richard Bwalya and Humphrey Fumpa (2014) Evaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support in the Zambia Defense Forces.
  • Mwewa AM, Saili G and Simbaya J (2013). Multi country research on community caregivers: the backbone of accessible care and support ‒ Zambia report. The Caregivers Action Network.
  • Joseph Simbaya, Richard Bwalya and Chishimba Mulambia (2016) National Gender Perception Survey
  • Mubiana Macwang’i, Joseph Simbaya and Chishimba Mulambia (2012) National Gender Perception Survey
  • Phillimon Ndubani, Joseph Simbaya, Aisling Walsh, Ruairi Brugha: (2009) Global HIV/AIDS Initiatives in Zambia: Issues of Scale up and Health Systems Capacity. )
  • Joseph Simbaya, Martha Brady, Maya Vaughan-Smith, Allison Stone (2009). “Understanding adolescent girls’ protection strategies against HIV: An exploratory study in Zambia.” New York: Population Council.
  • Phillimon Ndubani, Joseph Simbaya, Aisling Walsh, Ruairi Brugha: (2008) Global HIV/AIDS Initiatives in Zambia: Issues of Scale up and Health Systems Capacity. )
  • Samuels, Fiona, Joseph Simbaya, Avina Sarna, Scott Geibel, Phillimon Ndubani, and Jolly Kamwanga. (2008) “Engaging communities in supporting HIV prevention and adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Zambia,” Horizons Research Summary. Washington, DC: Population Council.
  • Samuels, Fiona, Naomi Rutenberg, Joseph Simbaya, Jerry Okal, Nicodemus Kisengese, Stanley Luchters, Susan Kaai, and Scott Geibel (2008) “Food on the table: The role of livelihood strategies in maintaining nutritional status among ART patients in Kenya and Zambia,” Horizons Research Summary. Washington, DC: Population Council.
  • Samuels, Fiona, Joseph Simbaya, Phillimon Ndubani, Avina Sarna, and Scott Geibel. (2007) "Preparing communities for increased availability of antiretroviral therapy: Initial findings from Zambia," Horizons Research Update. Washington, DC: Population Council. (PDF)
  • Jolly Kamwanga, Joseph Simbaya, Charles Luhana; (2006) Evaluation of Corridors of Hope Project