Priority Areas
The SCRP focuses on the following areas:
1. Communication, Information Communication Technologies for development in response to various development processes currently under way;
2. Utilisation of indigenous knowledge, with respect to food processing, preservation and storage, in response to the nation's current efforts aimed at food sufficiency and food security;
3. Contributing to the enhancement and / or promotion of the tourist industry with regard to, in particular tourism promotion and marketing, tourism development, tourism sector capacity building and the promotion of cultural and creative industries;
4.Contributing to the evolution of a comprehensive language policy and practice for Zambia;
5. Contributing to the preservation and promotion of Zambia's intangible socio-cultural heritage with special reference to changing family patterns as well as social and cultural traditions and trends in general; and
6. Analysis of rights and equity in respect of minority, marginalised and vulnerable groups ( children, women , disabled, e.t.c).
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