When you have received notification that you have been admitted to the programme you applied for, then register your courses using the following steps:
- Visit the Institute of Distance Education website by typing “ide.unza.zm” in your web browser (mozila, chrome,internet explorer etc.)
- Undergraduate Students: On your left-hand side, locate and click on “Online Registration(Undergraduate)” under the heading “online services”
- Postgraduate Students: On your left-hand side, locate and click on “Online Registration(Postgraduate)” under the heading “online services”
- A login screen will open with provision to enter your USERNAME and PASSWORD. For your rst login, yourusername will be your student number and your password will be your student number followed by 123 (e.g. if your student number is 16056576, password will be 16056576123)
- A screen will appear requesting you to change your password. You can now create a new password and confirm in the second box and then click update to save.
- Click on the menu button on the top left corner of your window, then click on “Academics” and then select class “Registration”, you will see a screen with all the courses that are available for you.
- Select the courses you wish to take by clicking on the register button (Course Combination Details are provided in this prospectus under the …… Section below)
- Once you have selected your courses, your tuition bill will be calculated. To view your fees, go back to the menu button and click on “fees”.
- Your fees will now be displayed, Click on “Download ZANACO deposit form” to pay your fees. You will be given four (4) options to pay (i.e.100%,50%,25% or Other) select one option from these. NOTE THAT FOR YOU TO ACCESS YOUR STUDY MATERIALS, ASSIGNMENTS ETC ON THE LEARNING PLATFORM, YOU NEED TO PAY A MINIMUM OF 50% TUITION FEES PER REGISTERED COURSE!!
Course Exemptions
- Where the student holds qualifications obtained at an institution other than the University of Zambia or one of its affiliate colleges, the Senate may grant exemptions from particular courses when, in its opinion, the qualifications represent a standard of attainment justifying the exemption which is sought.
- No automatic exemptions are recommended but the process of determining whether an exemption can be granted involves a comparison of curricula and the standard of qualifications already processed with those of the course from which exemption is sought.
- Where the student holds qualifications obtained at the University of Zambia or one of its affiliate colleges, the relevant Board of Studies may grant exemptions in particular courses which in its opinion are the same as or substantially equivalent to courses passed at an acceptance level in the former programme of study.
- A student who has been exempted from a course may additionally be granted credit for the course.
- A course for which exemption has been granted may not be repeated at the University of Zambia.
- Exemptions application may be online. There is a standard exemption fee charged per course.
- The maximum number of exemptions that may be awarded under the above sections is four.