The Department of Geography is very active in research. A lot of it is in collaboration with local and outside institutions, and involves the participation of postgraduate students. Recent projects have been in a diversity of areas, including urban Agriculture and poverty reduction, Asian investment in Zambia, local economic development planning, successful firms in Africa, land use planning, the role of small urban centres in economic development, rural livelihoods, food security and land tenure, land cover (crop monitoring and mapping), sustainable biodiversity development, project environmental impact assessment, environmental pollution by heavy metals, waste water use in peri-urban farming and soil degradation, deforestation, climate change and its implications, renewable resources utilization, flood and drought analysis of Zambia, river channel dynamics of the Luangwa River, suspended sediment transport on streams in the Lake Tanganyika basin, integrated assessment of catchment sediment budgets in southern Zambia, capacity building for sustainable biodiversity management in Zambia, and the establishment of a capacity-building research framework to promote river health and biodiversity in tropical Southern Africa. Prospective students can expect to become involved in this exciting research.
- The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies is one of the leading research units in the University. Staff in the department are involved in bathymetric studies, urban planning, conservation agriculture, climate change, rural livelihoods and land use, rural-urban linkages, natural resources accounting, development aid and green economy. Research Projects include:
- Natural Resources Valuation and Accounting in Zambia, focusing on water, forests and land in Lusaka Forest Reserve number 27 – Funded by the United Nations Institute for Natural Resources in Africa ( Dr. Orleans Mfune and Mr. Moses Chisola).
- Understanding Interactions between Urban Floods, Municipal Solid Waste and Urban Planning in the Lusaka City-Region, 2016 Grant Awards for Global Environmental Change Research in Africa ( Researchers : Dr. Wilma Nchito, Mr. Moses Chisola, Dr. Gilbert Siame, Dr. Progress Nyanga and Ms. Beverley Mushili).
- Understanding the burden of sediments on ecosystems and national economies funded by SASSCAL (Prof. Henry Sichingabula, Mr. Moses Chisola)
- City Region Food Systems, Funded by the United Nations Agriculture and Food Organization (Researchers: Dr. Godfrey Hampwaye, Dr. Gilbert Siame).
- Successful African Firms and Institutional Change Funded by DANIDA ( Dr. Godfrey Hampwaye)
- WHAT WORKS? WHEN, WHY and for WHOM? Impact of Norwegian and Chinese Development Assistance in Malawi and Zambia Collaboration with the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo; Dept. of Political and Administrative Studies, Chancellor College, University of Malawi, Zomba; Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Zambia, Lusaka; China Agricultural University, Beijing( Dr. Progress Nyanga, Dr. Douty Chibamba, Dr. Wilma Nchito, Dr. Bridget Umar).
- Negotiating Boom & Bust Mining Cycles in Mining Regions of Zambia: Rural of Rural-Urban Linkages. Grant from Africa Development Bank and Japanese Trust Fund (Dr. Orleans Mfune, Mr. Moses Chisola and Ms. Florence Chibuye Wamuwi).
- The Maize Value Chain in Zambia: Dynamics and Resilience Towards Production Shocks Collaboration with Systems Dynamics Group, University of Bergen, Norway ( Dr. Progress Nyanga).
- Learning about systems through interaction: A case study with smallholder farmers in Zambia Collaboration with Systems Dynamics Group, University of Bergen, Norway ( Dr. Progress Nyanga).
- Representation and Dynamic Implications of Mental Models of Food Systems: A case study of dynamic decision making of small-scale farmers in ZambiaCollaboration with Systems Dynamics Group, University of Bergen, Norway ( Dr. Progress Nyanga).
- Conservation Agriculture Research and Evaluation Project (CAREP) Collaboration with Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Conservation Farming Unit of the Zambian National Farmers Union ( Dr. Progress Nyanga).
- Kafue Bulk Water Project: Improving Access to Water for Residents and Business in the City of Lusaka – with Funding From FRACTAL (Dr. Gilbert Siame, Dr. Wilma Nchito).
- Assessing Urban Expansion in Lusaka City, 1984-2014: Implications for the New Urban Agenda and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, DRGS Seed Funding (Dr. Douty Chibamba).
- Regional Industrialisation: Capital Equipment Supply in the Zambia’s Mines, Funded and partnered by the South African Government, and Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS in Pretoria), June to December 2014 ( Dr. Godfrey Hampwaye, Dr. Gilbert Siame).
- Revitalisation of Planning Education in Africa, Up Scaling of Planning Studio Project, Supported by Slum Dwellers International and Cities Alliance, 2015-2017 ( Dr. Gilbert Siame).
- Future Resilience for African CiTies And Lands (FRACTAL) Project, The project is being internationally coordinated by the University of Cape Town, 2014-2019 ( Dr. Gilbert Siame, Dr. Wilma Nchito, Ms. Beverley Mushili, Dr. Progress Nyanga)
- Organizing Across the Formal-Informal Divide in Soweto Market in Lusaka (ORAFIDE) Project ( Dr. G. Siame, Mr. Wiza Kabaghe)
- Forest Landscape Restoration Project: Collaborative Project with University of Sheffield, University of Manchester, ICRAF and other universities from Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania ( Dr. Orleans Mfune)
- Tiyende Pamodzi Project (People in Urban Slums Programme, supported by DFID) in the City of Lusaka, Funded by UK’s Comic Relief, 5 years- 2014-2019).( Dr. Gilbert Siame, Dr. Progress Nyanga, Dr Wilma Nchito, Dr. Douty Chibamba).
- Multifunctional Agriculture & the Green Economy in Zambia – Funded by the United Nations Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) ( Dr. Orleans Mfune and Mr. Moses Chisola).
- Formalisation of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) through taxation: The case of Zambia ( Dr. Godfrey Hampwaye).
- Institutional Capacity Strengthening of African Public Policy Institutes to Support Inclusive Growth and the MDGs’ (Urban Agriculture)’. The project was funded by the Global Development Network and focused on South Africa and Zambia (GDN) ( Dr. Godfrey Hampwaye)
- Impacts of Asian Owned-Businesses in Zambia’ funded by the National Geographic/Waitt Grant Program ( Dr. Godfrey Hampwaye)
- ‘The Retail Sector in Zambia. The study examines changes in the shopping patterns due to the emergency of shopping malls in Zambia, especially in Lusaka ( Dr. Godfrey Hampwaye).
Peer Reviewed Articles
- Habanyati E.J., Nyanga P.H & Umar B.B (2018) Factors contributing to disadoption of conservation agriculture among smallholder farmers in Petauke, Zambia Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences
- Siame, G. (2018). Co-production as an alternative planning approach in the cities of the South: The case of Kampala (Uganda), Urban Forum, 1-20.
- Banda, L., Nyanga P.H. and Siame G., (2017). Corruption in Urban Land Administration in Lusaka City: Causes, Forms and Remedies. The International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research Paper-ID: CFP/523/2017
- Siame, G. (2017). The Value and Dynamics of Community-Based Studio Projects in Planning Education in the Global South: Insights from Kalikiliki Studio Project in the City of Lusaka, Berkeley Planning Journal, Vol. 28 (1), p. 40-67.
- Eddy Chikuta, Wilma S. Nchito, Emma Wragg &, Siame, G. (2017). Implications of Informal Settlement Upgrading on Inclusive urban development in the city of Lusaka, The case of Kalingalinga, Urban Transitions in Africa, Tialog 128, 1.
- Mpembamoto, K., Nchito, W., Siame, G., & Wragg, E. (2017). Impact of sector-based upgrading on home-based enterprises: a case study of Chaisa Settlement. Environment and Urbanization, 29(2), 597-614.
- Imasiku, E.N.S. (2017) Familial correlates of unmet need for contraception among currently married women: a comparative study of three Sub-Saharan African Countries, African Population Studies, 31(1 Suppl 2), p.3619-3630.
- Chilala, A. and Kajoba, G. M. (2017), Diffusion of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes by Smallholder Farmer Households in Petauke District, Zambia, American Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol.5, (1) p.1
- Imasiku, E.N.S. (2017) Familial correlates of unmet need for contraception among currently married women: a comparative study of three Sub-Saharan African Countries, African Population Studies, 31(1 Suppl 2):3619-3630.
- Ononokpono D.N., Odimegwu, C.O., Adedini, S.A. & Imasiku, E.N.S. (2016). Ethnic Diversity and Maternal Health Care in Nigeria, Women’s Reproductive Health, 3(1):45-59.
- Adedini S.A., Odimegwu, C., Imasiku, E.N.S., & Ononokpono, D.N. (2015). Unmet Need for Family Planning: Implication for Under-five Mortality in Nigeria, Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 33(1):187-206.
- Imasiku, E.N.S. (2014). ‘Gender Dimensions of unmet need for Contraception in Zambia, Gender and Behaviour, 12(4):5881-5910.
- Odimegwu C., Adedini, S.A., Ononokpono, D.N. & Imasiku, E.N.S. (2014). Couple Characteristics and Fertility Decision-Making in Imo State, Nigeria: Evidence from Historical Data, South African Journal of Demography, 15(1):73-81.
- Imasiku, E.N.S., Odimegwu, C., Adedini, S. & Ononokpono, D.N. (2014). ‘Variations in unmet need for contraception in Zambia: Does ethnicity play a role?’ Journal of Biosocial Science, 43(3):294-316.
- Adedini, S.A., Odimegwu, C., Imasiku, E.N.S. & Ononokpono, D.N. (2014). ‘Ethinic differentials in underfive mortality in Nigeria’, Ethnicity and Health, doi: 10.1080/13557858.2014.890599.
- Adedini, S.A., Odimegwu, C., Imasiku, E.N.S., Ononokpono, D. & Ibisomi, L. (2014). ‘Regional variation in infant and child mortality in Nigeria: A multilevel analysis’, Journal of Biosocial Sciences, doi: 10.1017/S0021932013000734.
- Ononokpono, D.N., Odimegwu, C.O., Imasiku, E. & Adedini, S. (2013). Contextual determinants of maternal health care service utilization in Nigeria’, Women and Health, doi: 10.1080/03630242.2013.826319.
- Ononokpono D.N., Odimegwu, C.O., Imasiku, E.N.S. & Adedini, S.A. (2013). ‘Does it really matter where women live: A multilevel analysis of postnatal care in Nigeria’, Maternal and Child Health Journal, doi: 10.1007/s10995-013-1323-9.
- Chitonge H, Mfune O, Kafwamba D & Kajoba G.M (2017) Hybrid Land Markets: Monetarised Customary Land Transactions in Zambia. Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol 51 p123-143.
- Chitonge H, Mfune O (2016), Lungisile N, Umar B, Kajoba G, Banda D (2017) Silent Privatisation of Customary Land in Zambia: Emerging Dynamics in Chibombo and Chongwe. Journal of Social Dynamics, Vol 43 (1) p82-102
- Mfune O (2017) Conservation Narratives and Contested Protected Areas in Zambia: A Political Ecological Analysis. Journal of African Studies, Vol 7 p118 -137.
- Mfune O. Chisola M & Ziba I (2016) How Can Multifunctional Agriculture Support a Transition to a Green Economy in Africa: Lessons from the COMACO model in Zambia. Agriculture, Vol 6, p1-17
- Bixler P, Angelo J, Mfune, O. and Hassan R (2015) the political ecology of participatory conservation: institutions and discourse. Journal of Political Ecology 22, p 164-182
- Mfune. O (2015) Why participatory conservation initiatives often fail to take off. Lessons from Joint Forest Management in Zambia. The African Resources Development Journal, Vol 1(2), p1 -18
- Chitonge H and Mfune O (2015) The Urban Land Question in Africa: The Case of Urban Land Conflicts in the City of Lusaka, 100 years after its Founding. Habitat International 48, p209 – 218
- Mfune O (2014). Managing Common Pool Resources without State Support: Insights from Shisholeka Community in Central Zambia. Environment, Development and Sustainability. Environment, Development and Sustainability, Vol 16, p1263 -1280
- Mfune O (2014). Extending Conservation to Farmlands in Zambia. Prescribed Practices and Reality. Journal of Sustainable Development, 7(1) p46 -59
- Nyerere J., Mfune O., Fur D, Nashiru S, Mutisya E, Yiran G, Fadairo O, Ameyaw. J & Odingo A (2014) The Role of Higher Education in Building a Sustainable African
- Society. African Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol 4, No.3, p17-38.
- Odingo A, Fadairo O, Ameyaw. J, Yiran G, Mfune O.,Mutisya E, Nyerere J. Nashiru S, Fur D (2014) Learning to Solve Africa’s Problems by Africans: Innovations for Addressing the Canker of Corruption. African Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol 4, No.3, p105 -134.
- Mfune O (2013) Has Decentralisation of Forest Resources Really Taken Off on the Ground: Experiences from Chongwe District in Central Zambia. Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol 6, No. 9, p57-68.
- Gumbo D and Mfune O (2013) The Forest Governance Challenge in REDD+: Core Governance Issues that Must be Addressed for REDD+ success in Zambia. Nature and Faune, Vol 27, No.2, p49 -5
- Mfune O and Sakala P (2013) Gender and Energy Poverty in Rural Zambia. The case of fuel-wood scarcity in Chongwe District. Journal of Humanities: A special issue of OSSREA papers,p75 -94
- Mfune. O and Boon E. (2008) Promoting Renewable Energy Technologies for Rural Development in Africa: Experiences from Zambia. Journal of Human Ecology, Vol 24, No.3, p175-189.
- Mfune O. (2018) Towards Private Forests in Zambia: Opportunities, Possibilities and Risks. Nature & Fauna, Vol 31 (2)
- Nyanga P.H, Samboko I.T., & Chibamba D. (2017) Sylva Food Solutions Model of Commercialization of Indigenous Foods: Lessons for Agricultural Transformation in Africa. Nature & Faune Volume 31(1): 42-44.
- Westengen, O.T., Nyanga, P.H., Chibamba, D., Guillen-Royo., & Banik D., (2017) A climate for commerce: the political agronomy of conservation agriculture in Zambia Agriculture and Human Values.
- Phiri B. Nyanga P.H, Umar B.B., Nchito S.W., & Chibamba D (2017) Implications of Introduction of Conservation Agriculture in Africa: Smallholder Farmers’ Response in Zambia. Nature & Faune Volume 31 (1) 45-47.
- Chibamba D., Nyanga P.H., Umar B.B., & Nchito S.W., (2017) Impact of Foreign Aid on Integration of Musangu (Faidherbia albida) tree in Agricultural Transformation in Africa: Lessons from Zambia. Nature & Faune Volume 31 (1): 26-29.
- Kopainsky Birgit, Hager Gerid, Herrera Hugo & Nyanga P. H.,(2017) Transforming food systems at local levels: Using participatory system dynamics in an interactive manner to refine small-scale farmers’ mental models Ecological Modelling 362 (2017): 101–110
- Umar, B. B., & Nyanga P. H., (2014) Women Smallholder Farmers and Sustainable Agricultural Intensification: A Case of Conservation Agriculture in Zambia IPCBEE vol.63 No.12 p 69-75.
- Nyanga P. H., (2012) Food Security, Conservation Agriculture and Pulses: Evidence from smallholder farmers in Zambia. Journal of Food research Vol. 1, No. 2; p 120-138.
- Nyanga P. H., (2012) Factors influencing adoption and area under conservation agriculture: A mixed methods approach, Sustainable Agricultural Research Vol. 1, No. 2; p 27-40
- Nyanga P. H, Johnsen F. H., & Kalinda T. H., (2012), Gendered Impacts of Conservation Agriculture and Paradox of Herbicide use among Smallholder Farmers, International Journal of Technology and Development Studies Vol. 3, No. 1; p 1-24.
- Nyanga P. H, Johnsen F. H., Aune J. B., & Kalinda T. H., (2011) Smallholder Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change and Conservation Agriculture: Evidence from Zambia Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 4, No. 4; p 73-85
- Kabisa, M. and Chibamba, D. (2017). Fishers perceptions and adaptation to climate variability on Lake Kariba, Siavonga District, Zambia. Nature & Faune, 31 (1): 39-41
- Nyanga, P., Samboko, I. and Chibamba, D. (2017). Sylva model of commercialization of indigenous foods: Lessons for agricultural transformation in Africa. Nature & Faune, 31 (1): 42-44
- Phiri, B., Nyanga, P., Umar, B., Nchito, W. and Chibamba, D. (2017). COUNTRY FOCUS: Republic of Zambia. Nature & Faune, 31 (1): 45-47
- Chisola, M.N, and Kuráž, M. (2016) Patterns and Implications of Hydrologic Regime Change in Chongwe River, Zambia. Journal of Geography and Geology, 8(3),. doi:
- Darkey D and Mushili B. M., 2017. Implications of Climate Variability on Artisanal Fishing in the Kafue Flats of Zambia. PONTE Multidisciplinary Journal of Sciences and Research, 73(6).
- Zimba P., Sakala E and Mushili B.M., 2017. The Effectiveness of Geographic Information System (GIS) Application in Land Use Planning at Mufulira Municipal Council, Coperbelt province, Zambia. International Journal of Research & Development Organisation (IJRDO)-Journal of Applied Science, 3(8).
- Umar, B. B. (2016) Seasonal challenges and opportunities for smallholder farmers in a mining district of Zambia. African Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 11 (33): 1110-1119.
- Umar, B. B., Mubanga, K. H., 2016. Do locals benefit from being in the ‘tourist capital’? Views from Livingstone. Tourism and Hospitality Research Journal. [Online first].
- Mubanga, K. H., Umar, B. B. 2016. Tourism is for foreigners’: Residents’ views on community participation in Zambia’s tourist capital. Tourism, Culture and Communication Journal. Vol. 16, (1-2):75-89.
- Mubanga, K. H., Umar, B. B., Muchabi, J., Mubanga, C. (2015). What drives smallholder farmers’crop production choices in Central Zambia? Lessons from the 2012/2013 agricultural season. Journal of Agricultural Studies. Vol. 3 (2): 1-16.
- Mubanga, K. H., Umar, B. B. (2014) Smallholder farmers’Responses to rainfall variability and Soil Fertility Problems by the use of Indigenous Knowledge in Chipepo, Southern Zambia. Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Vol 6 (6): 75-85
- Umar, B. B. (2014) A Critical Review and Re-assessment of Theories of Smallholder Decision-Making: A Case of Conservation Agriculture Households, Zambia. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 29(3); 277–290.
- Umar, B. B., Aune, J. B., Lungu, O.I. (2013). Does Faidherbia albida improve the fertility of soils in smallholder conservation agriculture systems in southern and eastern Zambia? African Journal of Agricultural Research. 8 (2): 173-183.
- Umar, B. B., Vedeld, P. (2012). Joint Forest Management in Katanino Zambia: Inappropriate property regime change? The Open Forest Science 5 (2012): 42-52.
- Umar, B. B.(2012). Reversing Agro-Based land degradation through Conservation Agriculture: Emerging experiences from Zambia's smallholder farming sector Sustainable Agriculture Research , 1 (2): 72-87
- Umar, B. B., Aune, J.B., Johnsen, F.H., Lungu, O.I. (2012). Are Smallholder Zambian Farmers Economists? A Dual-Analysis of Farmers’ Expenditure in Conservation and Conventional Agriculture Systems. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 36 (8): 98-929.
- Umar, B. B., Aune, J. B., Johnsen, F.H., Lungu, O. I. (2011).Options for Improving Smallholder Conservation Agriculture in Zambia. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3 (3): 52-62.
- Rahman M. H., Alpízar K., Lund T., Bwalya B. and Mjøs B. 2008.Volunteer Efforts for Development Concerns’ (VEDCO) Impact on the Kyagalanyi Piggery Farmers Group in Uganda. Int. J. Sustain. Crop Prod. 3(2):39-44
- Rahman M. H., Firdissa T., Bwalya B., Lund T. and Ghulam R. 2007. Livelihood Diversification in Rural Uganda: Impact of Africare’s Development Activities on the Livelihoods of Nyabyumba Community. Int. J. Sustain. Crop Prod. 2(6):36-43.
- Hampwaye, G. and Jeppesen, S., 2014: The role of state- business relations in the performance of Zambia’s food processing sub-sector. In: Rogerson, C.M. and Szymańska, D. editors, Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, No. 26, Toruń: Nicolaus Co-pernicus University, pp. 83–92. DOI:
- Hampwaye, G., 2013: Benefits of Urban Agriculture: Reality or illusion (Editorial), Geoforum, 49, R7-R8.
- Kragelund, P. and Hampwaye, G., 2012: Seeking Markets and Resources: State-driven Chinese and Indian Investments in Zambia, Int. J. Technology Globalisation 6(4), 352-368.
- Carmody, P. and Hampwaye, G. and Sakala, E.N., 2012: Globalisation and the Rise of the State? Geogovernance in Zambia, New Political Economy, 17 (2), 209-229.
- Hampwaye, G. and Rogerson, C. M., 2011: Local Economic Responses in Zambia: The Case of Kitwe, Urban Forum, 40 (40), 35-52.
- Hampwaye, G. and Rogerson, C., 2010: Economic Restructuring in the Zambian Copperbelt: Local Responses in Ndola, Urban Forum, 21 (4), 387-403.
- Thornton, A., Nel, E. and Hampwaye, G., 2010: Cultivating Kaunda’s plan for self-sufficiency: Is urban Agriculture finally beginning to receive support in Zambia? Development Southern Africa, 27 (4), 613-625.
- Carmody, P. and Hampwaye, G., 2010: Inclusive or Exclusive Globalization? Zambia’s Economy and Asian Investment, Africa Today, 56 (3), 84-102.
- Miller, D., Nel, E. and Hampwaye, G, 2009: Malls in Zambia- Racialised retail expansion and South African foreign investors in Zambia, African Sociological Review, 12 (1), 35-54.
- Hampwaye, G., 2008: The Limits of Decentralisation in Urban Zambia, Urban Forum, 19 (4), 347-361.
- Hampwaye, G., 2008: Local Economic Development in the City of Lusaka, Zambia, Urban Forum, 19 (2), 187-204.
- Hampwaye, G., Nel, E. and Rogerson, C. M., 2007: Urban Agriculture as a Local Initiative in Lusaka, Zambia, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 25 (4), 553-572.
- Hampwaye, G., 2005: Decentralisation and Public Service Provision in Zambia: Lusaka’s New Solid Waste Management System, Africa Insight, 35, (4), 80-89
Book Chapters Published
- Watson, V & Siame, G (2018): Alternative participatory planning practices in the global south: learning from co-production processes in informal communities. In Knierbein, S., & Viderman, T. (Eds.). (2018). Public Space Unbound: Urban Emancipation and the Post-Political Condition. Routledge.
- Mfune O and Ferguson R (2011) The Sustainability Challenge. In Ferguson R (Ed). African Agriculture: this Other Eden. Renaissance Capital Publications, London.
- Angelo J, Mfune O, Roba H and Bixler P (2012) Discourse and Practice in Participatory Conservation: Exploring how it differs in different geo-political settings. In Synne and Vatne (eds) Institutions for Sustainable Development. Norwegian University Life Science and Thor Heyerdahl Institute.
- Krangelund, P. and Hampwaye, G., 2016: The Confucius Institute at the University of Zambia: a new direction in the internalization of African higher education in Adriansen, H.K., Madsen, L.M. and Jensen, S. (eds.), Higher Education and Capacity Building in Africa: The geography and power of knowledge under changing conditions. Routledge, Oxon, 83-104. ISBN: 978-1-138-83815-4.
- Hampwaye, G. and Kragelund, P., 2013: Trends in Sino-Zambia Relations in Adem, S. (ed.), China’s Diplomacy in Eastern and Southern Africa, ASHGATE, Surrey, 27-39. ISBN: 9781409447092.
- Carmody, P., Hampwaye, G. and Sakala, E., 2013: China: Globalisation and the Rise of the State in Carmody, P. (ed.), The Rise of the BRICS in Africa: The Geopolitics of South-South Relations, Zed Books Limited, London, 22-46. ISBN:978-1780326047.
- Hampwaye, G. and Mweemba, L., 2012: Zambia, in Wilson-Strydom and Fongwa, S.N. (Eds.), A Profile of Higher Education in Southern Africa Volume 2, SARUA, Johannesburg, 105-114. ISBN: 978-0-9869903-8-0.
- Carmody, P. and Hampwaye, G., 2011: The Asian Scramble for Investment and Markets: Evidence and Impact in Zambia in Carmody, P., (ed.), The Scramble for Africa, Polity Press, Cambridge, 158-175.ISBN: 13:978-0-7456-4785-2
- Hampwaye, G. and Nchito, W. S., 2012: State of the World’s Cities: The Prosperity of the City of Lusaka, UNHABITAT, Nairobi