The University of Zambia Integrated Water Resources Management (UNZA IWRM) Centre was established in 2006. It is hosted by the School of Mines at the University of Zambia.
The UNZA IWRM Centre was established as part of the Water Sector Support programme developed by Ministry of Energy and Water Development (MEWD) in collaboration with Royal Danish Embassy (RDE), assisted by consultants, on the basis of the “Identification and Preparation Study of Support to Water Resources Management” carried out in November 2004, and a series of discussions, consultations and workshops, which have been carried out under the Preparatory Water Sector Programme Support (PWSPS) from June 2004 through June 2005.
Mission and Vision
The centre is established in line with the University of Zambia’s motto of “SERVICE AND EXCELLENCE” guided by University’s development Mission of “a centre of excellence in higher education for individuals, industry, and society through the provision of quality education, research, and scholarly programmes for strategic human resource development, in order to promote national and regional development, through relevant and appropriate partnerships”.
The Center’s Vision is therefore that of advancing and implementation of IWRM interventions in Zambia and the region through education and training, advanced research and consulting services for a sustainable water sector performance”.
The main objective of the Center’s programme is “to build Capacity in IWRM in Zambia focusing on water resources covering surface and groundwater, employing techniques for assessments, quantifications, quality analysis and modeling e.g. use of remote sensing and GIS. Also improve water sector performance and ensure that there is sustainable management of the water resources through human resource development and capacity building” with the following specific objectives:
- To contribute to capacity building (human resource development, institutional strengthening and polic reform) in the water sector.
- To promote and undertake the training of water sector personnel and trainers in technical, managerial, economic and social issues to increase performance and productivity.
- To develop an independent advisory service to government, local authorities, private sector and international organizations in management of water and environment.
- To develop an information support service for information pertaining to Integrated Water Resource Management.
- To promote and undertake applied research in the work place and at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the area of Integrated Water Resource Management and Environment.
Since its inception, the Centre has established the following STRATEGIC LINKAGES and is carrying out the following activities:
- With support of Danida, the centre will develop multidisciplinary education and training programmes, applied research, consultancy and others services at UNZA;
- Support to Post- graduate Courses in IWRM and hydrologeology.
- Support to PhD projects.
- Support to M.Sc. projects.
- Support to tailor – made Courses that are expected to train people in IWRM.
Postgraduate Programmes in the Department
- Postgraduate Diploma in Integrated Water Resources Management
- Master of Science in Sustainable Mineral Resources Development
- Master of Sciences in Integrated Water Resources Management
- Doctor of Philosophy in Integrated Water Resources Management
Education and Training
The Following programmes commenced on November 1st November, 2008;
Two PhD Students. The programme is for a period of 4 years i.e. covering eight semesters.
Four Master Students on an MSc sandwich scholarships. The programme is for a period of 2 years i.e. covering four semesters.
In the current set-up the following are earmarked to start:
One year Post-graduate Diploma course in IWRM: This course is open to graduates with a first degree in sciences, engineering (B. Sc), and social sciences (B. A) from a recognized university. The course structure consists of both social and science based modules.
One year Post-graduate Diploma course in Hydrogeology: This course is open to graduates with a Bachelor of Science or Mineral Sciences degree in geosciences (geology, geochemistry, geophysics etc.) from any recognized university.
In-service courses (including specialized courses): Continued education or in-service training will be an important activity of the centre, mostly following the principle of demand-driven training and thus developing a database of “targeted” courses.
Once fully established, the Centre will be involved in consultancy services mainly in IWRM and related fields, and will bid for such services at local, national and international levels.
Because of the cross sectoral and multidisciplinary nature of IWRM, a UNZA IWRM Technical Group (Committee) has been set-up to provide guidance to the Centre. This Group consists of the following;
At UNZA as a start:
Technical Schools
- Prof. I. A. Nyambe, School of Mines, Chair & Coordinator
- Dr. E. Phiri – School of Agricultural Sciences
- Dr. Z. Phiri – School of Engineering (Civil)
- Dr. H. Sichingabula – School of Natural Sciences
Social Sciences Schools
- Dr. W. Mafuleka – School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Mr. F. Mudenda – School of Law
- Waiting for replacement - School of Education
At the Royal Danish Embassy
- Mrs. C. L. Tembo
- Mr. P. Sievers
At Danish Universities
- Dr. F. Larsen – GEUS and GeoCentre, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Dr. P. Bauer- Gottwein – Danish Technical University
At the Ministry of Energy and Water Development (MEWD)
- Mr. M. Munumi – Depart. Planning & Information
- Mr. H. Chibuye – IWRM Unit, Coordinator
The University of Zambia IWRM Centre is located in Lusaka, the Capital City of Zambia with international and regional routes. Lusaka connects easily to the capital cities of Lilongwe, Malawi; Harare, Zimbabwe; and Lubumbashi, Katanga, DR Congo, and Luanda, Angola with nearly flights every day or 3 times a week. With this central location, it is an ideal locality for regional centre or sub-regional centres for water, environment and climate change studies as the centre focus on multi-disciplinary studies.
To assist in student learning as well as for public awareness, the post-graduate students supported by the Centre introduced a weekly seminar where speakers are sought from the water community and related disciplines in Zambia and abroad. A schedule is prepared every semester, and presentations are moderated by the students themselves every Friday at 15:30hrs in the School of Mines, Board Room. If interested please ask for a copy of the schedule or to be included on the emailing list, contact Mrs. Ingrid Mugamya Kawesha. Email:;
Cell: 0977422062
For Further Information:
Professor Imasiku A. Nyambe
Coordinator, UNZA IWRM Centre
c/o School of Mines, University of Zambia,
P.O. Box 32379, Lusaka, Zambia
Phone (Cell): +260 955 79360; Fax: +260 211 294086