It is a well-known fact that without basic science there cannot be applied science. Therefore, the department is involved in various research activities that add value to the scientific community and general public.
Collaborative on-going Departmental Research
Currently three (3) topics are being studied:
- Training and Research in Aquatic and Environmental Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (TRAHESA)
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Balmoral rabies vaccine and molecular characterization of the field rabies virus isolates in Zambia – SATREPS
- Population genetics of Theileria parva in SADC countries – GALVmed
- Muzandu Kaampwe, Choongo Kennedy and Fujita Shoichi (2008). Lycopene and Peroxynitrite Modifications. In: Lycopene:- Nutritional, Medicinal and Therapeutic Properties. Preedy R. Victor and Watson R. Ronald (Editors). Science Publishers, United Kingdom. Pages 105-132.
- Mwenechanya R. Chitambo H., Choongo K. and Konde V. (2008). In vivo and molecular characterisation of drug resistant Plasmodium falciprarum isolates at Solwezi urban clinic in Zambia. Unza Journal of Science and Technology, 12, 47-53.
- 20, Article # 73. Retrieved May 2, 2008 from
- Ibrahim ZS, Ishizuka M, Soliman M, El Bohi K, Sobhy W, Muzandu K, El kattawy AM, Sakamoto KQ, Fujita S. (2008) Protection by Nigella sativa against carbon tetrachloride-induced down-regulation of hepatic cytochrome P450 isozymes in rats. Jpn J Vet Res. 56(3):119-28.
- Choongo K. C., Mwase M., Shindano J. and Siyumbi S. (2007). Patterns of Pyrethroid Bioaccumulation in Fish Species from the Kafue River, Zambia. Zambian Journal of Veterinary Science, 5, 11-16.
- Syakalima Michelo, Choongo Kennedy, Mwenechanya Roy, Wepener Victor, Yamasaki Masahiro and Maede Yoshimitsu (2006). Pesticide/herbicide pollutants in the Kafue River and a preliminary investigation into their biological effect through catalase levels in fish. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research 54 (2-3): 119-128.
- Michelo Syakalima, Kennedy Choongo, Roy Mwenechanya, Victor Wepener, Masahiro Yamasaki, and Yoshimitsu Maede (2006) Pesticide/herbicide pollutants in the Kafue river and preliminary investigation into their biological effect through catalase levels in the fish. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research. 54 (2-3), 119 – 128.
- Muzandu K, Ishizuka M, Sakamoto KQ, Shaban Z, El Bohi K, Kazusaka A and Fujita S. (2006) Effect of lycopene and beta-carotene on peroxynitrite-mediated cellular modifications. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 215(3): 330-340.
- Choongo K.C., Syakalima M and Mwase M. (2005). Coefficient of condition in relation to copper levels in muscle of Serranochromis fish and sediment from the Kafue River, Zambia. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 75 (4) 645-651.
- Muzandu K., Shaban Z., Ishizuka M., Kazusaka A. and Fujita S. 2005 Nitric oxide enhances catechol estrogen-induced oxidative stress in LNCaP cells. Free Rad. Res. April: 39(4):389-398.
- Shaban Z, Soliman M, El-Shazly S, El-Bohi K, Abdelazeez A, Kehelo K, Kim HS, Muzandu K, Ishizuka M, Kazusaka A, Fujita S. AhR and PPARa: antagonistic effects on CYP2B and CYP3A, and additive inhibitory effects on CYP2C11. Xenobiotica. 2005 Jan;35(1):51-68.
- El-Bohi K.M., Sabik L., Muzandu K., Shaban Z., Soliman M., Ishizuka M., Kazusaka A. and Fujita S. 2005. Antigenotoxic effect of Pleurotus cornucopiae extracts on the mutagenesis of Salmonella typhymurium TA98 elicited by benzo[a]pyrene and oxidative DNA lesions in V79 hamster lung cells. Jpn J Vet. Res. 52 (4): 163-172.
- Muzandu K., El-Bohi K., Shaban Z., Ishizuka M., Kazusaka A. and Fujita S. 2005. Lycopene and beta-carotene ameliorate catechol estrogen-mediated DNA damage. Jpn J Vet. Res. 52 (4): 173-184.
- Mwaanga E. S, Zdunczyk S, Janowski T, 2004: Comparative study on the efficacy of hormonal and non hormonal treatment methods in ovarian afunction affected dairy cows. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy 48, 265 –267
- Choongo K and Mubanga J. (2004). Therapeutic differential diagnosis of endemic Theileria and Pasteurella concurrent infections in calves in Zambia. Zambian Journal of Veterinary Science. Special Issue. 26-28.
- Choongo K. (2004) Contributor to: Worldwide regulations for mycotoxins in food and feed in 2003. In: FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 81.
- Shaban Z, El-Shazly S, Abdelhady S, Fattouh I, Muzandu K, Ishizuka M, Kimura K, Kazusaka A, Fujita S. Down regulation of hepatic PPARalpha function by AhR ligand. J Vet Med Sci. 2004 Nov; 66(11):1377-86.
- Mwaanga E. S, Zdunczyk S, Janowski T, Kotowski K. 2003: Diagnosis and treatment of ovarian Afunction disorder with a norgestomet ear-implant (Crestar) in dairy cows. Bull. Vet. Inst. Pulawy 47 (1) , 171 – 175.
- McKellar QA, Gokbulut C, Muzandu K, Benchaoui H. Fenbendazole pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and potentiation in horses. Drug Metab Dispos. 2002 Nov; 30(11):1230-9.
- Syakalima M., Choongo K., Nakazato Y., Onuma M., Sugimoto C., Tsubota T., Fukushi H., Yoshida M., Itagaki T. and Yasuda J. (2001). An investigation of heavy metal exposure and risks to wildlife in the Kafue Flats of Zambia. Japanese Veterinary Medical Science 63, (3), 315-318.
- Syakalima M., Choongo K. C., Chilonda P., Amadu B., Mwase M., Onuma M., Sugimoto C., Tsubota T., Fukushi H., Yoshida M., Itagaki T., Yasuda J. and Nakazato Y., (2001). Bioaccumulation of Lead in Wildlife Dependent on the Contaminated Environment of the Kafue Flats. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 67 (3), 438-445.
- Mwaanga E S. 2000: Diagnosis and treatment of ovarian Afunction in cows. Doctoral Thesis. University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland.
- Mwaanga E S, Janowski T. 2000: Anoestrus in Dairy Cows: Causes, prevalence and clinical forms. Reprod Dom Anim 35, 193 – 200
- Janowski T, Zdunczyk S, Mwaanga E S, Babinski J, Ras A. 2000: In vivo and In vitro investigations on synthesis of Estradiol -17β by the bovine glands near term. Reprod. Dom Anim 35, 145 – 147
- Shamilimo, G.Y.C., Siulapwa, N.J., Witola, H.W., Muzandu, K., Sikazwe, G. 2000. Field Evaluation of Feed Supplementation Packages for Improving Milk Production Using Locally Available Resources in Zambia. Indian Journal of Veterinary Research. Vol. 9 (1), 55-58.
- Mwaanga E S, janowski T, Zdunczyk S. 1999: incidence of silent heat in cows and effectiveness of its diagnosis and treatment with PGFα analogue, Cloprostenol. Polish J vet Sci 2, 109 – 112.
- Mwaanga E S, Janowski T, Kotowski K, Zdunczyk S. 1999: Badania porownawcze nad efektywnoscia roznych metod leczenia nieczynnosci jajnikow u krow [comparative study on the efficacy of different methods in the treatment of ovarian Afunction in cows]. Konf. Nauk “perspektywiczne znaczenie profilaktyki I terapii chorob ukladu rozrodczego i gruczolu mlekowego [Scien. Conf. “Perspectives on the importance of prophylaxis and treatment reproductive system and mammary gland diseases] Wenecja, 1 – 2X
- Janowski T, Zdunczyk S, Mwaanga E S, Malecki-Tepicht J. 1999: Progesteron profile bei kuhen mit puerperalen Endometritiden. 1st Middle European Buiatrics Congress, May 27 – 29. 1999, Balatonfured, Hungary.
- Janowski T, Zdunczyk S, Mwaanga E S, Babinski J. 1999: Mammary secretion of Estradiol-17β in Pre-term cows. Third conference of European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction. Nov. 26th -27th 1999, Nouzilly, France.
- Janowski T, Zdunczyk S, Ras A, Mwaanga E S. 1999: Eignung der Ostronsulfatbestimmung im Blut ven Ziegen Zur Trachtigkeit-sfestellung und zur Voraussage der Fetenzahl. Tierarztl Prax 27 (G), 107 – 109
- Zdunczyk S, Janowski T, Mwaanga E S, Baranski W. 1999: Stimulierung der ovarfunktion bei Kuhen mit puereralen Endometritiden durch eine kombinerte GNR4-PGF alfa-Anwwendung. 1st Middle European Buiatics Congress, May 27 – 29. 1999, Balatonfured, Hungary, 219 – 22
- Janowski T, Zdunczyk S, Mwaanga E S, Maleck-Tepicht J. 1999: Uber das vorkommen und therapie von Puerperalen Endometritiden in Langzeituberwachten Milchviehherden. Tagung, fertilitatasprobleme Beim rind DVG GieBen, s 16
- Zdunczyk S, Janowski T, Mwaanga E S, Baranski W. 1999: Untersuchungen uber die Anostriebei Kuhen im Rahmen der Fruchtbarkeitsuberwachung in eiem nordostoplnischen GroBbe tribe Tagung ”fertilitatasprobleme beim Rind” – DVG, GieBen, s 25
- Janowski T, Zdunczyk S, Babinski J, Mwaanga E S. 1999: Poziom estradiol-17β krwi obwodowej i odplywajacej z wymieni w okresie okoloporodowym u krow z rozna ukladu rozrodczego I gruczolu mlekowego. Wenecja 1 -2 X s. 95
- Janowski T, Zdunczyk S, Chmielewski A, Mwaanga E S. 1998: Untersuchungen uber Progesteronprofile bei Kuhen mit Puerperalen Endometrition/Progesterone profiles in cows with Endometritis. Tierarztliche Umschau 53, 399 – 402.
- Choongo K. and Ayliffe T. R. (1992). Plant poisoning due to the family Solanaceae. UNZA Veterinarian 3 (2), 12.
- Choongo K. and Ayliffe T. R. (1990). Mububa poisoning. UNZA Veterinarian 1 (2), 7.