The main aim of the project: Navigating the digital landscape: universities partnering for Change (NIAGARA) is to utilize the partnership between universities in Zambia, Tanzania, Poland, and Norway to improve and expand information services by developing libraries’ ICT infrastructure and librarians’ digital competencies.
The specific objectives of the project are as follows:
- To strengthen the digital infrastructure in partner university libraries in Tanzania and Zambia that will benefit all students and staff and ensure inclusive and equal access to library and information services.
- To examine current digital competencies needed for the efficient provision of library and information services.
- To develop and implement short-term courses.
NIAGARA is composed of seven work packages (WPs):
- WP1: Management,
- WP2: Digital competency assessment,
- WP3: Education and Research support,
- WP4: Inclusion and equity,
- WP5: Infrastructural capacity,
- WP6: Blended mobility, and;
- WP7: Dissemination and sustainability.
- Inland University of Applied Sciences (INN) - Norway
- Oslo Metropolitan University (Oslomet) - Norway
- Jagiellonian University (JU) - Poland
- The University of Dar es Salaam (USDM) - Tanzania
- Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) - Tanzania
- The University of Barotseland (UBL) - Zambia
- The University of Zambia (UNZA) - Zambia
The University of Zambia Project Team:
- Dr. Christine W. Kanyengo:
- Mrs Francina N. S. Makondo:
- Mrs Mercy W. Monde:
Further information, visit the website, or the Inland Norway University.