Wiza Kabaghe

Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Lecturer III

Wiza holds a B.Arch. Degree from the Copperbelt University, Zambia and an MSc. in Urban Management and Development from Erasmus University Rotterdam - Netherlands.

Research Interests

Spatial Planning, Urban Infrastructure and Smart Cities, Urban Environment and Green Cities, Land and Housing Development Strategies, Urban Development and Governance.

ResearchGate Profile


2020. The formal-informal Interface through the lens of urban food systems. Reframing the Urban Challenge in Africa: Knowledge Co- production from the South. Taylor & Francis.

2020. Reframing the Urban Challenge in Africa: Knowledge Co-production from the South (p.224). Taylor & Francis.

2017. Community and Citizen Participation in policy formation and Implementation: A critical review of three case studies” - International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Education (IJHSSE)

Google Scholar Profile


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