The University of Zambia Lecturer under the Institute of Distance Education Dr Francis Simui has been nominated as a member of Advisory Board of the Network of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Multimodal Self-Directed Learning in Southern Africa (NOMSA). UNESCO Chair on Multimodal Learning and Open Educational Resources Prof Jako Olivier said in the nomination letter that Dr Simui was selected to the Advisory Board because of his expertise in OER and multimodal learning and that he was convinced that Dr Simui was going to contribute positively towards the improvement of OER and multimodal learning in Southern Africa.
He said the network aims at research and capacity building regarding OER and Multimodal learning in Southern Africa. Prof Olivier further said the network was administered by the North-West University’s UNESCO Chair on Multimodal Learning and OER and that its Executive Committee as well as the advisory board consisted of members from countries in Southern African Development Community (SADC).
Meanwhile, the University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice-Chancellor Prof Luke Mumba has welcomed Dr Simui’s nomination. Prof Mumba said the University Management was delighted to have one of its staff appointed to this strategic advisory role supporting research and capacity building in OER and multimodal learning. “On behalf of University Management, I welcome the nomination of Dr Francis Simui and we look forward to the success of the work of the Advisory Board,” he said.
Dr Simui Francis is a Canon Collins Trust/Chevening Alumni. He holds a PhD in Inclusive Education from the University of Zambia with a specialization in developing and managing an effective Open and Distance Education and inclusive education systems. He has more than 10 years of hands-on experience working as a practitioner of Open and Distance Education, building the capacity of more than 20 higher learning institutions in ODL across Zambia. He is Head - Programmes Development & Production at the University of Zambia under the Institute of Distance Education.
Dr Simui has been honoured severally among which include the prestigious “Postgraduate Team Working Award” in 2007, courtesy of Price waterhouse Coopers. The University of Manchester best research presenter during the Open and Distance Learning Colloquium, 2010, Botswana under SADC-ODL project, as well as an outstanding performer and dedicated to duty and full of innovation during the 2013 Labour Day awards, University of Zambia.