Student Orientation
The orientation programme intends to introduce the first year students to the academic, social and cultural environment at UNZA. There are many events that take place during the orientation. This is the time when students come to know each other. Some events will help the students understand how to study and learn in a University setting. However, the main purpose of all the events is to make the students feel comfortable and excited about their stay at UNZA. The orientation programme is conducted for one week and during this orientation, the first year students get to have an opportunity to meet with the Vice-Chancellor during the special welcome ceremony. The orientation is conducted by an Orientation Team involving trained students and members of staff. There are three admitting Schools that directly participate in the orientation of the first years and these are Schools of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences and Natural Sciences.
Student Registry
Students are required to obtain Students’ Record Cards from the Dean of Students Affairs Unit situated in room 7 after completing their registration. Students will be required to bring the following documents:
- Original Admission letter;
- A photocopy of the national registration card;
- A photocopy of Grade twelve results;
- A photocopy of deposit slip from Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO) Bill Master for fulltime undergraduate students or Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO) Deposit Receipt for non-GRZ students;
- A photocopy of professional academic qualifications for postgraduate, distance and fast track students; one passport size photo, computer and name written at the back);
- Confirmation slip and
- Medical certificate.
Importance of a Record Card
- A student record card is where student’s documents are filed such as copies of NRC, Grade 12 certificate, admission letter etc.;
- it is used to process student’s final clearance;
- It is used as reference e.g. when issuing students with recommendation letter;
- It is used for registration of first year students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels; (e) helps in attend to general queries from both the students and outsiders;
- Helps to keep the students electronic data base up to date for easy retrieval and
- helps to capture student’s personal information at the point of entry to the University of Zambia e.g. next of kin, contact details, home address etc.