The Department of Social Work and Sociology will be running the following three (3) short courses on the following dates:
- Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) Sector Management and Development.
- Human Rights, Governance and Development.
- Child Well-Being.
- Criminology, Criminal Intelligence, and Security Management
- Criminal Justice Administration and Crime Prevention
- Administration of Justice for Children
- Child Rights and Child Protection
- Environmental Criminology and Environmental Justice
- Managing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Social Entrepreneurship and Lcoal Economic Development
- Social Protection and Poverty Reduction
- Research Methodology and Data Analysis
- Introduction to R: Programming and Data Analysis
The fees for each course will be Three Thousand Kwacha (K3,000.00) only, which should be deposited in this University of Zambia (UNZA) School of Humanities and Social Sciences account:
To register for any of the above courses, please send an email and copy of your NRC, or passport simultaneously to all these email addresses:
- Head of Department - Social Work and Sociology: Phone: 0978698950, email: elphas.machacha@unza.zm
- Ms. Wamunyima Mukaba, Departmental Secretary, on mukamba.wamunyima@yahoo.com, and mukamba.wamunyima@unza.zm. Phone: +260 967 789 413, +260 977 828 512.
- Dr Isaac Kabelenga, Coordinator of the short courses, on: 2023kabelengaisaac@gmail.com, Isaac.Kabelenga@unza.zm, Phone: +260 764 641 800, +260 968 275 695.
All the lectures will be conducted 100% online.