The Technology Development and Advisory Unit (TDAU) of the University of Zambia (UNZA)operates as a semi-autonomous engineering research and development unit. TDAU was established in 1975 to provide a link between the expertise of the university and the needs of society at large. Over 40 years of expertise and experience inform our ablity to offer both commercial consultancy and engineering solutions to clients.
TDAU is a unique institution in Zambia, acting as a nexus between the public and private sectors and capitalizing on cutting edge innovation techniques. All of the products and services offered by the Unit are demand-driven and take their cue from the customer. TDAU is Zambia's leader in relevant sustainable technologies--innovations designed with particular significance granted to the environmental, economic, cultural and societal characteristics of the end-users.
The University of Zambia was established by an Act of Parliament No.66 of 1965 whereas TDAU was established in 1975. TDAU was established to provide a link between the expertise of the University and the industry and society at large.
The TDAU is managed through a ten-member Board of Directors, chaired by the University of Zambia Vice-Chancellor. The Board meets quarerly to consider progress, financial reports, achievements and challenges the Unit faces. TDAU is organized in five sections: Production, Research and Consultancy (Product Development) , Administration, Marketing, Information and Finance.
The mission of TDAU is to promote sustainable human development through the development, acquisition and dissemination of technology, production processes and management know-how appropriate to society. Our aim is to be the leading technology product and process research and development institution providing competitive appropriate technology solutions for the betterment of society.
Our core business includes the following:
- Engineering Innovations
- Design and Prototyping
- Product Manufacturing
- Assessments and Feasibility Studies
- Short Trainings and Demonstrations