Patrick Sikayomya
2015: Ngambi, S.N., Mbozi, E., Machila, N. & Sikayomya, P. ‘An Investigation of who benefits from the counselling services at the University of Zambia counselling centres.’ Male and Female). Journal of Research Council of Zimbabwe. 10th Zimbabwe International Research Symposium (ISSN: 2412-2386)
Unpublished Teaching and Learning Materials
2012: Sikayomya, P. and others Training modules for Paglory College of Education for History content and History Methodology.
Completed Research
2015: Ng’ambi, S.N., Mbozi, E., Machila, N & Sikayomya, P. ‘An Investigation of whobenefits from the Counselling services at the University of Zambia Counselling Centres.’ (Male and Female) (Proceedings of this research were published).
2015: Machila, N., Sikayomya, P. & Banda, D. ‘Getting back to our roots; A Paradigm ofTraditional Lyrics in Songs. Self funded. Abstract accepted at 2015 Southern AfricanComparative and History of Education Society (SACHES) International Conference heldat University of Free State, South Campus, Bloemfontein, South Africa.
2015: Muyangana, A., Machila, N., Mubita, K. & Sikayomya, P. ‘The Role of Colleges in Providing Quality Education among Trainee Teachers in Zambia’. Self funded. Abstractaccepted at 2015 Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society(SACHES) International Conference held at University of Free State, South Campus,Bloemfontein, South Africa.
2015: Machila, N., Ng’ambi, S.N., Sikayomya, P. & Sichula, N.K. ‘Perceptions on Vocational Education and Training: A Discourse on Life Skills. A case study of LusakaDistrict of Zambia. Self funded. Abstract accepted at Association of EducationalDevelopment (AEDA) Conference held at UNISA, Blue Waterfront, Cape Town, SouthAfrica, 13th –15th April.
2015: Mubita, K., Sikayomya, P., Sompa, M. & Machila, N. ‘Schools as Safe Havens: Management Barriers to Effective School Safety in Selected Schools in Chongwe District, Zambia. Self funded. Abstract accepted at 4th UNAM Annual Educational Conference (EDCON) held at Katima Mulilo Campus, Namibia, 17th – 20th August.
2015: Mubita, K., Sikayomya, P., Machila, N. & Muyangana, A. ‘Pupils and Teachers’ perception of School Climate in selected Schools of Chilanga District: An Exploration of Varying Patterns of Disparity’. Self funded. Abstract accepted at 4th UNAM Annual Educational Conference (EDCON) held at Katima Mulilo Campus, Namibia, 17th – 20th August
2014: Sikayomya, P., Machila, N., Ng’ambi, S.N. & Phiri, T. K. ‘Teachers as learners: Pedagogy of indigenous teaching and learning. A case study of the rural communityof Chongwe District of Zambia’. Self funded. Abstract accepted at 32nd EEASAConference, Windhoek, 9-12 September.
2014: Sikayomya, P., Machila, N., Ng’ambi, S.N. & Phiri, T.K. ‘Teachers as learners:Pedagogy of indigenous teaching and learning. A case study of the rural community of Chongwe District of Zambia’. Self funded. Abstract accepted at Southern AfricanComparative and History of Education Society (SACHES) International Conference heldat Blue Waters, Durban, South Africa, between 10th and 12th August.
2014: Sikayomya, P., Machila, N., Ng’ambi, S.N. & Mulenga, M. ‘Examination Malpractices and Leakages; A Threat to Zambia’s Attainment of Quality Human Resource.’ Selffunded. Abstract accepted at Southern African Comparative and History of EducationSociety (SACHES) International Conference held at Blue Waters, Durban, South Africa,between 10th and 12th August.
2013: Sikayomya, P. “From a Crisis to a Ceremony: A History of the Kuomboka to 2010” ADissertation submitted to the University of Zambia in fulfilment of the requirements ofMaster of Arts in History.
2004: Sikayomya, P. “The Changing Face of Kuomboka Ceremony; Earliest days to 2004”.Research Report submitted to the Department of History – School of Humanities andSocial Sciences.