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Mirriam Sampa B. Moonga





2011    Moonga, M.S. (2011), Environmental Education in Waste Management: The Zambian Hospitality Industry. Saarbrucken:Lambert Academic Publishing (ISBN No. 978-3-8465-3349-9)

(b) Articles

Online Publication: 2015 Moonga M.S. and I. Milupi. “The transmission mechanism of traditional ecological knowledge in Zambia - The case of the Lozi people of western province” – 5th African RCE Conference-Global RCE Publication - UNU-IAS

2015 A. L. H. Moonga and M.S. Moonga. “Challenges Famers in Chikupi Face” In the proceeding of the 1st International Conference on “Innovation for Sustainability under Climate Change and Green Growth/Economy” at Birchwood Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa, between 26th to 28th May, 2015

2015 Moonga M. S. “Tourism under Climate change: the case of Zambia” In the proceeding of the 1st International Conference on “Innovation for Sustainability under Climate Change and Green Growth/Economy” at Birchwood Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa, between 26th to 28th May, 2015

2014   Moonga, M. S., and Moonga A. L. H.“Selected Examples of Provision of Education for                        Sustainability in Poverty Eradication in Zambia” In the Proceedings of the 32th EEASA                         Conference held at the University of Namibia, in Namibia, between 10th to 13th of    September, 2014.

2012  MoongaM.S., Moonga A.L.H. (2012) Informal Learning/Education as a means of Disseminating Environmental and  Sustainability Education among Zambians. 30th Annual Conference of the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA Conference Programme and Abstracts). Grahamstown: Rhodes University.

2011    Moonga M. S., Mweemba L. and Chileshe B. (2011): Enhancing Partnerships to Mobilise Indigenous Knowledge and Culture for ESD: A case study of University of Zambia (UNZA) Community. 29th Annual Conference of the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA Conference Programme and Abstracts). Maseru: MACMILLAN

2009    Moonga, M.S. and Kasembe, R. (2009) Opportunities for universities in Southern Africa to participate in the UNDESD. (EEASA: Environmental Education Bulletin. Vol 34 & 35).


Moonga, M. S (2011), ‘Advanced population Studies and Environmental Issues’, (module prepared for Institute of Distance Education of the University of Zambia-Lusaka)

Moonga; M. S. (2010) ‘Enviromental Health’ (module prepared for Sida: Change Project. South Africa.WESSA: Sharenet)

Moonga, M.S. 2010) ‘Environment and Development’, (module prepared for Fast Track Teacher Education programme, UNZA School of Education)


2011- Module-Advanced population Studies and Environmental Issues-Institute of Distance        Education of the University of Zambia-Lusaka

2010 – Module- Environmental Health; Fast Track Training of Teachers Programme –Lusaka

2011- Developed a new course on Climate change Education; New course -University of Zambia.


2015: Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Zambia”: The case of the Lozi People of Western Province

2015: Challenges Farmers in Chikupi Face.

14: Selected Examples of Provision of Education for Sustainability in Poverty Eradication in Zambia.

2013: Scavenging as a source of livelihood: the Case of Scavengers at the Lusakas’ Chunga landfill

2013:   Sustaining Clean and Green Environments. The case of the University of Zambia

2012:  Informal Learning/Education as a means of Disseminating Environmental and         Sustainability Education among Zambians.

2011:    Climate Change in the Zambian Mind: Communicating Risk Perception of Climate           Change and Variability in Zambia

2011:   Enhancing Partnerships to Mobilise Indigenous Knowledge and Culture for ESD: A case study of University of Zambia (UNZA) Community

2010:    Impact Assessment of FAWEZA’S Safe Houses/Hostels: A case of Kabwe,         Mazabuka, Livingstone, Pemba, Chipata, Serenje, Solwezi, and Mumbwa.                                                         

2004:     Status of Environmental Education for Waste Management in the Hospitality      Industry. The case of selected Hotels and Lodges in Lusaka (M. Ed Dissertation)


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