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Prof. Dr. Charles M. Namafe




(a)    BOOKS

2008  Environmental and Sustainability Education Initiatives Proposed for Western

           Zambia (Barotseland)”, New Horizon Printing Press, Lusaka

2006  “Environmental Education in Zambia:  A Critical Approach to Change and

          Transformation”, UNZA Press, Lusaka

2005 “Integrating Development – Environment Issues:  Proposed Improvement to the Zambian Basic School Geography Curriculum (Grade 8 & 9)”, New Horizon Printing Press, Lusaka

2004 “Environmental Action Learning in Eastern and Southern Africa”, United Nations Environment Programme, Share-Net, Howick, (with other contributors).

2003  Editor,Environmental Education Programme:  Framework for the Chongololo and   Conservation Clubs of Zambia”, Wildlife and  Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia (WECSZ), Lusaka, (Edited with Adams Geoff, Monze John, Pope Adam and Wolff Martin)

2005      Guidelines and Recommendations for Re-orienting Teacher Education to

            Address Sustainability”, UNESCO, Paris, (with a global network of teacher educators).



2012    Lozi Cultural Objects in the Classroom, Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education, Sefula, Mongu.

2005    Editor,Environmental Education Module for the Colleges of  Education (Basic), SADC- 

            Regional Environmental Education Support Project and the Zambian Ministry of  

            Education, Lusaka



2006  “The Lozi Flood tradition” in Tvedt T. & Oestigaard T. (Eds) A History of Water:  The World of Water, I.B. Tauris, London”

2005 “Postgraduate Course Development Processes in Geography and Environmental Education at the University of Zambia”, in Justin Lupele (Ed) Case Studies of Environmental Education Course Development Processes in Southern Africa, ComPress, (Chapter 2).

1997 “Cultural Differences in responses to Environment” in Slater F: Lambert D. & Lines D..                   (Eds) Education, Environment and Economy:  Reporting Research in a New Academic

Grouping, Bedford Way Papers, Institute of Education, university of London. (Chapter 6)



2013 Contextualizing the Curriculum through Local Floodplain Artifacts at Lealui Basic School of Western Zambia, Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 29, P. 167 – 179 (with Chileshe B.)

2010 “Responding to Risks and Vulnerability Issues Through Interdisciplinary curricular Teaching: A Case example from the University of Zambia” Viewpoint Paper, African Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 27, pp. 126-134 (with Justin Lupele).

2008    “What Selected Basic Schools in Western Zambia are Best at in Environmental and Sustainability Education”, Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 25, p. 59-80

2003   The Hole in the Middle of Zambia’s Educational Policy Endeavors, Development Policy Management Forum, Vol. X, Pp. 10-13

2004 “Flooding in the context of the Barotse People of Upper Zambezi” Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 21, P.50 – 60.

1996  “Geography Teachers and the Culture of Beer Drinking in Zambia”, Zambia Geographical Education, School Supplement, Lusaka.

1995  "Floods:  Friends or Enemies?" Geographical Education Vol. 8, No. 3, Pp. 57-62, (with F. Slater) published by the Australian Geography Teachers Association.

1993    "A Synopsis of an Inquiry in Environmental Education Involving Two Basic

            Floodwater Metaphors", South-North Centre Series Vol. 1, No. 3, Pp 3-27 (Published by         the South -         North Centre for Environmental Policy, SOAS, University of London).

1988: "Flood Hazards in Geography?" Geographical Education Magazine Vol. 2 No. 1, Pp 36-45 (Published by the Geographical Association of Zimbabwe).

1988    "Will the Social Studies Syllabus become Zambian?   Zambia Geographical Association,    Schools Supplement, Pp 38-45.



 2011    “Dimensions of Offering the BEd (Environmental Education) Undergraduate Degree Program at the University of Zambia” Proceedings of the 29th Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) Conference, Maseru, Lesotho, 3-6 October.

2011    The Concept, Practice and Future of MESA Chair in Teacher Education at the University of Zambia” Proceedings of the 29th EEASA Conference, Maseru, Lesotho, 3-6 October.

2011  “Environmental and Sustainability at Lealui Basic School Western Zambia” Proceedings of the 29th EEASA Conference, Maseru, Lesotho, 3-6 October.

2001 “National Development through Primary Education that Seeks Zambia’s Cultural Difference”, Conference Proceedings  of an International Conference on ‘Primary Schools in Southern Africa and Their Teachers’, Professional Support Structure for Primary Education (PSSPE) and Teacher Education Department, Ministry of Education, Siavonga, 14-18 August

1997  “Overview of Conflict Resolution and Peace in relation to Development”, Proceedings of the Regional Workshops on Conflict Resolution and Peace Making, Commonwealth Youth Programme, Africa centre, Lusaka, 1 – 4 July 1997.

1997 “Formal and Informal Action for Conflict Resolution”, Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Conflict Resolution and Peace Making, Commonwealth Youth Programme, Africa Centre, Lusaka, 1 – 4 July 1997 (with Bailey Razaan).

1996  “The Research Method Behind a Discovery in Floodwater Studies” Proceedings, 28th International Geographical Congress, The Hague, August 4 -10, 1996.

1990   "The Dutch Hydro-Agricultural Rice Project in Western Zambia: An Assessment"

            in Marchand M. and Udo de Haes H.A. (Eds) The Peoples Role in Wetland Management:      Proceedings of the International Conference on Wetlands, Leiden, the Netherlands, Pp.           476 - 489.



2011    Ethical review of “Secular and Pentecostal AIDS Support Groups in Zambia:  Arenas of Empowerment?” by candidate Amy. S. Patterson, report submitted to Chairperson (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee).

2011    Ethical review of “Neurocognition and Psychological functioning in Adolescents Living with Type Diabetes” by candidate Given Hapunda, report submitted to Chairperson (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee).

2011    Ethical review of “Zambia Access to – to – ACTs Initiative (ZAAI) Follow-up survey” by candidate Jed Friedman, report submitted to Chairperson (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee).

2011   Ethical review of “HIV/AIDS Care and Support Through Counseling in Zambia” by candidate Joseph Simbaya, report submitted to Chairperson (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee).

2010   Review of Module on “Geography Teaching Methods; Field Experience” for the Institute of Distance Education, UNZA.

2010   Review of Model on “Curriculum Strength: Social Studies” for the Institute of Distance Education, UNZA

2010   Review of Modules on “Geography Teaching methods: Current Issues” for the Institute of Distance Education, UNZA

2010  Ethical review of “The Changing Role of Community Based Organizations Providing HIV/AIDS Services in Zambia” by candidate Ruari Brugha, report submitted to Chairperson (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee).

2010   Ethical review of “Evaluating the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Through Interviews with People with HIV/AIDS in Zambia”, by candidate Corliss C. Lentz report submitted to Chairperson (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee).

2010   Ethical review of “Church as a Vehicle for Cultural Change in the Age of HIV/AIDS:  The Zambian Experience by candidate Corliss Lentz, report submitted to Chairperson (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee).

2010   Ethical review of “Growing up Caring:  The Lifecourse Transition of young People Caring for Parents and Relatives in Zambia” by candidate Caroline Elizabeth Day, report submitted to Chairperson (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee).

2010     Ethical Review of “Reading Support to Zambian Children (RESUZ) by candidate Heikki Lyytinen, report submitted to Chairperson (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee).

2009  Ethical review of “Health Communications Partnership in Zambia:  Case Studies Proposal” by candidate Kaimfa Chandang’oma, report submitted to Chairperson (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee)

2009    “Factors Affecting the Performance of the Education System in the North-Western Province of Zambia in the 1990s”, Journal Typescript reviewed for possible publication in the Zambian Journal of Education (ZAJE)

2009    “Education for Sustainable Development:  The Teaching of Desertification in Namibian Secondary Schools”, Journal Typescript reviewed for possible publication in the Southern African Journal of Environmental Education (SAJEE)

2008    Ethical review of “Barriers to Accessing Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Ndola Urban” by candidate Kalima Kalima, report submitted to Chairperson (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee)

2007    ‘Caring for Our Environment:  A Study Guide for Discussions and Prayer for Christian and Other Communities in Zambia”, Mission Press, Ndola, (published in The Challenge for Christian Living Today vol. 9 no. 2 p. 36)



2008   ‘Signs of Environmental Neglect in Zambia”, The Challenge for Christian Living Today, Vol. 10 no. 2, Pp. 24-26


(h)    MODULES    

2009 – todate   Completed Manuscript on Geography Teaching Methods for the Fast Track Training of Teachers (module geared to be published by the Ministry of Education)

 2008 – todate    Member of the School of Education “Fast Track” Initiative to design Geography

                        Education Modules for the Proposed BA(Ed) Degree for Diploma Teachers of

                         Zambian High Schools



2011-todate  Appointed by Deputy Vice-Chancellor as inaugural Chief Editor for the Journal of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Zambia.

2011   Reviewed, adapted and edited the Teacher Education Workshop for Environment and Sustainability Education in South Africa, Share-Net, Howick, South Africa, (with M.J. Ketlhoilwe).

2008 – todate  Editor, African Journal of Educational Research and Development, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State

 2003 – todate Advisory Editor, Southern African Journal of Environmental Education (SAJEE).

 2008 – 2009  Appointed as editor, School of Education Newsletter



 2009    Principal Researcher – “Education Through Zambia’s Cultural Ceremonies”, Research Report submitted to the Dean (Education) UNZA, (with Ms. E. H. Zulu, Messrs. I. M. Mulenga, K. Kalimaposa, C. Siankanga, G.A. Chibesakunda, I. Bwalya, F.M. Chipindi, H. Mwacalimba, P.C. Manchishi, J. Mandyata, D. Siakalima, H.S. Daka and Ms. S. Kasonde Ng’andu and P. Mwansa as co-researchers)

2009    Principal Researcher – “ Positioning the University of Zambia, School of Education in a Changing Environment of Primary Education”, Research Report submitted to the Dean (Education) with Messrs. B. Nkhata, G. Tambulukani, M. Simuchimba, B.Z. Ndhlovu and R. Kaulule as co-researchers

2009 -  Principal Researcher – “Sustainable Implementation of Localized Curricular and Zambia’s National Policy on Education Through Floods Among Zambia’s Selected Schools”, (research report submitted to Dean, Education) with Ms T. Milingo, Ms E. Lisulo and Messrs. H. Msango, Hambokoma N. and W. Chakanika)

2009todate  Principal Researcher – “Environmental and Sustainability Education at Lealui Basic School (Western Zambia):  Contextualizing the Curriculum Through an Open Day Forum”, research funded by the Southern African Development Community – Regional Environmental Education Programme (SADC-REEP for funding), Howick, South Africa (report writing with Mr. B. Chileshe)

2007    Principal Researcher, “Proposed Workbook on what Piloted Basic Schools of Western Zambia are Best at in Environmental and Sustainability Education”, Research Report Submitted to the Southern African Development Community – Regional Environmental Education Programme (SADC-REEP), Howick, South Africa (with Mr. B. Chileshe as Co-Researcher), funded by SADC-REEP.

2001    Principal Researcher, “Needs Assessment Report on the Review of Zambia’s School Geography Curriculum”, study funded by British Council, Lusaka and Submitted to the Curriculum Development Centre, (with assistance from R.K. Simukoko and B. Chimpandu as Co-Researchers)

2000    “Baseline Report on the status of Education For Sustainable Development (ESD) at the    University of Zambia”, Research Report submitted to the UNITWIN/UNESCO   

            Conference on ‘Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability’, Toronto,

            Canada, research was self finded.     

1998    Team Member, “Implementation Completion Report”, Zambia Education Rehabilitation    Project (ZERP), funded by Ministry of Education, Lusaka, Zambia.

1998    Team member, “Inventory of Existing Environmental Education and Public Awareness     (EEPA) Materials in Zambia,” funded by the World Bank on behalf of the Environmental Support Programme, Lusaka, Zambia.

1998    “A Geography/History Needs Assessment report on the National In-service Teachers’       College”, submitted to Zambia Education Projects Implementation Unit, Ministry of             Education, Zambia, funded by ZEPIU

 1997   Research Priorities for Democratic Governance Arising from a Proposed     Conceptualisation of Conflict. Eastern and Southern African Universities Research          Programme (ESAURP), Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, research sponsored by ESAURP               

1995    Team Member, Zambia Education Rehabilitation Project (ZERP) Mid-Term review,          Report submitted to the World Bank sponsored project of the Ministry of Education.

1995    “Increasing Access to Secondary Education:  The Role of Private Secondary Schools in    Zambia” funded by the Zambia Education Rehabilitation Project (ZERP) on behalf of the   World Bank, Lusaka, Zambia.

1988    "The Dutch Hydro-Agricultural Rice Project in Western Zambia:  An Assessment"             (Unpublished Research Report deposited in the University Library, UNZA), funded by







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