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Dr. John R. Luangala




 2007                           With M. Simuchimba (Dr). Corporal Punishment in Zambian Basic

                                   Schools: the case of the Copperbelt Region. Zambia Journal of

                                   Education, Volume 1 Number 1

 2007                           Luangala, J. R.  The Innocence of a Dog: a collection of short

stories. Lusaka: UNZA Press.                                    

 2007                          Luangala, J. R. and M. Simuchimba (Dr), ‘Promotion of Girls’

Educational Rights in Basic Schools’, in ABSTRACTS:

International Multi-Discipline Conference on Recent Advances in

Research (IMCRAR), University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia.

 2006                           Luangala, J. R. ‘Socialization Styles and Modes of Thinking

                                   Among the Nsenga of Eastern Zambia’. Journal of Humanities,

Vol. 6. 64 – 77. Lusaka:  UNZAPRESS.

2002                                                      Luangala, J.R. ’A Reading Culture: An alternative explanation of its absence’, In Journal of Humanities, Vol. 4. Lusaka: UNZA Press.

1998                                                        Luangala, J.R. ‘Syntactic Complexity in Oral Narrative Production’. In Journal of Humanities, Vol. 3. Lusaka: UNZA Press.

 2000                           Luangala, J.R. and Chishimba, C.P., Basic School Curriculum Development in an International Perspective: An activity under the BESSIP Basic School Curriculum Development Component, Lusaka: Ministry of Education, Zambia.

 1996                                                      Luangala, J.R. and Lungu, E.C. Module 8:  An In-service course for teachers of English in technical high schools. Lusaka: ZEPIU/MOE.

 1993                                                      Luangala, J.R. et al. English 10 Book 1: English Language School Textbook, Lusaka: ZEPH

 1994                           Luangala, J.R. et al. English 10 Book 2: English Language School Textbook, Lusaka: ZEPH.

 1992                           Luangala, J.R. The Chosen Bud (A novel that sold 5000 copies within a year). Lusaka: ZEPH.

 1992                           Luangala, J.R. ‘Questioning the Creed’, In English TeachersJournal, Vol. 16, No. 1, April, Lusaka: Curriculum Development Centre.

 1990                          Luangala, J.R. ‘Fostering Dynamism in a Fossilizing Bureaucracy: NIPA’s Next Challenge’ (2nd prize winning essay), in NIPA Review of Education and Training No. 3, Lusaka: NIPA, Zambia. 

 1989                                                      Luangala, J.R. ‘No Non-Aligned Learning in the Text based Approach’, In English Teachers Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, Lusaka: Curriculum Development Centre.

 1986                                                      Luangala, J.R. ‘Note-Taking’. In Rachel Osbiston (ed.) Communication Skills for the Public Sector: International Conference Proceedings, Lusaka: NIPA, Zambia.


 2007                           Edited the School of Education Handbook. Published by the

                                   School of Education and UNZA Press.


2006 – 2007               Member of the editorial board of the journal of the School of Education entitled, Zambia Journal of Education, UNZA Press.





2007                           Reviewed a university level textbook in applied linguistics written

                                   By C. P. Chishimba (Prof.) entitled  Perspectives for Teachers of

                                   English as a Second Language. To be published by UNZA Press.


2006                           Reviewed a book written by Prof. M. Kamwengo entitled: Growing Old in Zambia: Old and New Perspectives, New Delhi, Sterling International.


2003                           Reviewed a language textbook written by P. C. Manchishi (Dr)

                                   entitled  Language Teaching: Games and Activities. To be

                                   published by UNZA Press.


2000                           Reviewed and edited on behalf of the Teacher Education Department of the Ministry of Education the Literacy and Language Education Module of the Primary Diploma by Distance Learning Programme running at NISTCOL, Chalimbana.





2003                                                      Reviewed for the Zambia Journal of Education (ZAJE) an article

                                   submitted by C. Haambokoma entitled: Stakeholders’ Views

                                   Regarding Provision of Management Training to Heads of Science

                                   Departments in Zambian High Schools.





Research Undertaken


2006                            With Dr. M. Simuchimba, Co-researcher on a study entitled, ‘Human Rights Education in Basic Schools in the Copperbelt Province’, sponsored by the Directorate of Research and Graduate Studies under the Sector Pool Funding of the Zambian government.


2004                                                      With Dr. M. Simuchimba and J. Nkole, and as the principal researcher, researched into Basic School Teachers Attitude to Curriculum Reforms in Zambia, sponsored by the Ministry of Education under the BESSIP Sector Pool Funding.


2000                                                      With Prof. R. Siaciwena, C. Haambokoma and M. Thomas, as co-researcher, Carried out a Rapid Appraisal of Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) Programme for the Ministry of Education, sponsored by USAID


2001                           Researched into problems associated with the mode and the model of teacher education at the University of Zambia and subsequently submitted to the School based Teaching Practice Committee of the School of Education a report entitled: Teacher Education at the University of Zambia – Problems with the Mode and the Model, self sponsored 


2000                           Refereed for the School of Medicine a PhD research proposal with the topic: ‘Anatomical Interpretation of Clinical Data and Critical Incidence Technique: A Proposal for defining core anatomy for Ethnical Practice and Medical Education, submitted for funding by the SOM/DFID Research Fund.


2000                                                        With Prof. C.P. Chishimba, researched into Recent Trends in Curriculum Development and Reform – International Perspective, sponsored under the BESSIP Sector Pool Funding of the Ministry of Education.


1998 – 2000               Organised and chaired seminar sessions for Master of Education students to present their research proposals for scrutiny and defence; was also key advisor to all the students (as Assistant Dean, PG).


1996                                                      With Dr. E.C. Lungu, researched into Professional Needs of Teachers of English at David Kaunda and Hillcrest Technical High Schools, organised by the Zambia Education Project Implementation Unit (ZEPIU) of the Ministry of Education and sponsored by he African Development Bank.


1996                                                      Researched into the Syntactic Complexity of the Sentences produced by girl pupils as compared with those by their boy counterparts, presented the report as a seminar paper entitled: Who says Syntax is only for Boys?


1997                                                      Researched into data elicitation procedures as part of the doctoral studies, leading to a PhD thesis entitled, Eliciting Speech Production in L2 Using Cartoon Story Verbalisation Tasks: Effects of Previewing and Practices. 


1994                                                      While studying at Reading University in the United Kingdom, compiled data for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) on the Deployment of English in Zambia, explaining the official status of English in the country and what this entails.


1989                                                      Researched into the Deployment of English in Zambia and compiled data for Professor Cecil Nelson of Indiana State University whose work was to be published in an Oxford University Press Compendium of World wide English Usage.


1989                                                      Researched into Reading Processes and Techniques of the Discourse Patterns in Legal Documents: Report presented as a seminar paper in 1990.


1989                                                      Researched into problems faced by UNZA Social Science students in writing essays: Report presented as a seminar paper entitled: Comprehension for Purposes of Composition: Reading in Preparation for Writing.


1988                           Designed for the Education Research Bureau, UNZA, instruments to evaluate the FINNIDA funded English Language Teaching Materials for Grade 8 Entrants.


1987                                                      Researched into processes of writing memoranda as part of the studies leading to a masters degree in applied linguistics at the University of Warwick (UK), with the dissertation entitled: A Functional Analysis of the Discourse Process and Information Structure in External Memoranda in Government Departments in Zambia.


1980                                                      Researched into ‘The Poetic Nature of the Nsenga Beer Party Songs’, in partial fulfilment of the requirements in a course E595: Oral African Literature: Report first presented as a seminar paper for course participants and then submitted to the course coordinator for in-depth evaluation and assessment.



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