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Chivunda Kaumba




(a) Book(s)

Kaumba, C. (2011). Socio-Economic Benefits of Education: Investigation on Community Perception about the Socio-Economic Returns of Education, Case study of Chelstone. December, 2011. LAP, Lambert Academic Publisher. ISBN: 978-3-8473-0167-7.

(b) Book Chapter(s)

Musumali, G. and Kaumba, C.  (2013). “The Luvale Phrase Book”, In V.M Chanda and S.B Mkandawire ‘Speak Zambian Languages’, 79 – 98. Lusaka: UNZA Press. ISBN: 978-9982-03-073-1

(c) Article(s)


Kaumba, C. (2013). Moral Confusion, Speak out Magazine – a Christian Magazine for Youths, Volume 30, Number 1,  p.17. Ndola: Ndola Mission Press.


Completed Research

2015:        Kaumba, C. An Examination of Students’ Perceptions of Public Participation in National Governance: A Case of the University of Zambia (Unpublished M ED Dissertation, University of Zambia).

2012:        Research Assistant on the Mapping programme for Early Childhood Care Development Education (ECCDE) in Zambia (Dr. Matafwali, B. as Principal Researcher, under UNICEF).

2011:        Co-researcher (Mulubale, S. et al) The Impact of Sources of Funding for                                          Political Parties on Democracy in Zambia. Undergraduate Research, University                            of Zambia.

2011:        Research assistant on the “Development of a Curriculum on Governance for                                  Basic Schools in Zambia”. Study was commissioned by the Governance                                         Secretariat under the Ministry of Justice on behalf of the Government of Zambia.                          (Mr Kandondo C.S as Lead Researcher).

2011:          Co-researcher (Mulubale, S.)  An Investigation on Community Perception about                            the Socio- Economic Benefits of Education on Males and Females: A Case Study                            of Chelstone Township”. Undergraduate Research Submitted to the Department                                of Education Administration and Policy Studies, University of Zambia.




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