OSCAR 2.0       EU logo

OSCAR 2.0 project aims to foster the effective digital transformation of education and science in the Partner Countries of Zambia and Botswana to develop digital infrastructure and connections, where heightened reliability, capacity and security will support regional economic integration by boosting engagement of higher education institutions in implementation of Open Science principles and values in Botswana and Zambia. The project`s impact will be sustained through developed integrative Open Science environment and research operational framework. Its primary outcome will be the development of Open Science infrastructure, including platforms and hubs, along with nurturing human capital through training of researchers in methodologies, competencies, and knowledge, particularly focusing on early-stage researchers. Additionally, the project will work towards implementing efficient institutional policies and standards to support Open Science initiatives.

At the end of OSCAR 2.0 project, it is expected that main challenges related to open science will be taken into consideration at national, institutional, and individual levels. This way, the competitiveness level of higher education and research in each country will be raised based on the development of open science principles. This will improve the quality and significance of higher education institutions in society as poles of excellence and increased standards. OSCAR 2.0 is a project funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme, with ten institutions in five participating countries of Botswana, Germany, Slovenia, the Netherlands and Zambia.

Project Coordination

The University of Zambia is the overall project coordinator for the OSCAR 2.0 project.

Project Objectives

  1. To promote open science culture and build national and university.
  2. To enhance university transition for sustainable open science practices.
  3. To advance university open science infrastructure.
  4. To embed open science in university policies and to advance national regulatory

Project Partners

  1. Botho University, Botswana: https://botswana.bothouniversity.com/
  2. Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation: https://www.bitri.co.bw/
  3. Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany: https://th-deg.de/
  4. European Policy Development and Research Institute, Slovenia: https://epdri.com/
  5. Joint Minds Consult, Botswana: https://www.jointmindsconsult.com/index.htm
  6. International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia: https://mfdps.si/en/
  7. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands: https://vu.nl/nl
  8. University of Barotseland, Zambia: https://www.ubl.edu.zm/
  9. University of Botswana, Botswana: https://www.ub.bw/
  10. University of Zambia, Zambia: https://unza.zm/

University of Zambia Project Coordination Team

  • Dr. Christine W. Kanyengo: ckanyengo@unza.zm
  • Mrs Francina N. S. Makondo: fmakondo@unza.zm
  • Dr Charles Banda: bandac@unza.zm
  • Dr Tuesday Bwalya: bwalya.tuesday@unza.zm
  • Dr Eness Miyanda Chitumbo echitumbo@unza.zm

Further information, visit the website https://oscar2o.org/ or the University of Zambia library
project page https://unza.zm/library/projects.