Siavonga Secondary School Members of Staff
Mr. Freeburn ShandeleHead Teacher
Mr. Michelo R. MbooziDeputy Head Teacher |
Mr. Luo SanlinTeacher |
School Address:
P.O Box 49,
Southern Province.
Brief Introduction of School :
Siavonga Secondary School was funded in 1995, and it was upgraded into a boarding school in 2014. With both boy and girl pupils in the school, it is run by the government of the Republic of Zambia. So far, there are altogether 32 classes (24 classes in the morning session and 8 classes in the afternoon session), with 1,412 students in total. The school started piloting teaching of Chinese in 2014 with an initial number of 2 Grade 8 classes. In the subsequent year, i.e., 2015, another gGade 8 class was enrolled making the total number of Chinese classes to 3. Currently, the school has 1 Grade 8 and 1 Grade 9 classes learning Chinese language.
Confucius Institute Activities at the School:
In May, 2016, a video for a Chinese language lesson was shot at the school by Zambia National roadcasting Corporation.
Pictures of Cultural Activities
Any Other Information:
Pupils learning Chinese are able to speak and write it.
3 children have had an opportunity of going to China for an education tour.
The head teacher has been invited to China twice.
Confucius Institute has been able to examine the children at the School at the end of Grade 9 and certify them with certificates in Chinese.