Livingstone Institute of Business and Engineering Studies Members of Staff




Mr. Thomas Kalantinya




Mr. Chrisphine Mwalupaso

  Vice Principal


Ms. Hei Li


School Address and Contact:

P.O.Box D 27,

Nakatindi Road,


Phone:+26 0213 321249/ 321325

Fax:+26 0213 321138

Brief Introduction of the School



The Livingstone Institute and of Business and Engineering Studies (LIBES) is one of the higher learning Institutions in Zambia located in the Southern Province. LIBES falls under the Ministry of Higher Education. The Institute is strategically situated in Livingstone the Tourist Capital of Zambia, about 4 km from the town centre. The Livingstone Institute of Business and Engineering Studies has been in skills training for over 50 years. The institute was established in the 1950s as Coillard Institute. The institute then only offered two Engineering programmes in Carpentry and Bricklaying.

Brief Introduction of Chinese Language Education at the School

LIBES is one of the first teaching posts after the establishment of Confucius Institute at the University of Zambia in 2011.Three teachers have taught here, the first is Ms. Chen Ying, then Wang Chao, then Liang Yongchinow Ms. Hei Li is the fouth Chinese teacher. The principal of LIBES, supports the development of Chinese teaching program. The training manager, coordinator, and staff and students of LIBES are all in love with Chinese language and support the development of the training program. Now we have opened Chinese courses regularly for the majors of international tourism, majors of food production, and its also taught to students who like to study Chinese,though they come from different department and  outside LIBES.


Confucius Institute Activities at the School

Experience chinese traditional culture,for examples:making dumplings;making  chinese knots;drawing chinese pictures & characters; enjoying chinese entertainments and tasting Chinese tea.


Pictures of Chinese Activities