Sanny Mulubale
Mulubale, S. (2013)“The Day Mandela was Freed: Reflections and Lessons for Contemporary World Politics”, Canvas Political Journal, United Kingdom. Volume 5, Issue 3. Available at:
Mulubale, S. (2011) The Political Economy of Campaign Finance in Zambia. LAP - Lambert Academic Publishers: Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-8473-1328-1.
Reviewed Articles
Mulubale, S. (2014) Review: .” All Academic Code: 992257, Paper Session Article for the 59th Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) annual Conference, March 8 – 13, 2015, Washington D.C.
Mulubale, S. (2014) Review: “Ubuntu, Recognition & Rights: Democratic Struggles as and for Education in South Africa's Informal Settlements. All Academic Code: 990298, Paper Session Article for the 59th Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) annual Conference, March 8 – 13, 2015. Washington D.C.
Mulubale, S. (forthcoming) Understanding Civic Education. Lusaka: Pensulu Publishers.
Mulubale, S. (forthcoming) Conventions of Academic Writing in Social Sciences. Lusaka: Pensulu Publishers.
2014: Mulubale, S. Investigating the Stabilizing Effects of Identity Politics in a Multi-Ethnic Society:
A Comparative Case Analysis of Zambia and Kenya(Unpublished MA Dissertation, University
of Sheffield, UK).
2013: Mulubale, S. and Dr. Kalimaposo, K*. Implementation of Localised Curriculum (Community Studies) in Selected Basic Schools in Zambia. University of Zambia’s SEED Project under Directorate of Postgraduate Studies.
2012: Research Assistant in a study under UNICEF and Ministry of Education Mapping programme for Early Childhood Care Development Education (ECCDE) in Zambia (With Dr. Matafwali, B. as Principal Researcher).
2011: Research Assistant in a study under the auspices of the University of California (UCLA), “Foreign Investment in Zambia; Mining and Construction Sectors”. The study covered Lusaka, Southern, Western, North – Western and Copperbelt Provinces of Zambia (with Prof. C.K. Lee as Principal Researcher).
2011: Co-researcher (with Kaumba, C. et al) The Impact of Sources of Funding for Political Parties on Democracy in Zambia. Undergraduate Research, University of Zambia.
2011: Research assistant on the “Development of a Curriculum on Governance for Basic Schools in Zambia”. Study was commissioned by the Governance Secretariat under the Ministry of Justice on behalf of the Government of Zambia. (With Mr Kandondo C.S as Lead Researcher).
2011: Co-researcher (Kaumba, C.) “An Investigation on Community Perception about the Socio- Economic Benefits of Education on Males and Females: A Case Study of Chelstone Township”. Undergraduate Research Submitted to the Department of Education Administration and Policy Studies, University of Zambia.