Sitwe Benson Mkandawire
Mkandawire, S. B. (2018). Literacy versus Language: Exploring the Similarities and Differences. Journal of Lexicography and Terminology, Vol.2, Issue 1, PP. 37-55. ISSN: 2517-9306. Click here to view or download this article
Mkandawire, S. B. and Daka, H. (2018). Cultural Preservation Literacy in Zambia: A Case Study of the Lala People of Serenje District. Multidisciplinary Journal of Language and Social Sciences Education, 1(1), 139-174. ISSN: 2616-4736. Click here to view or download this article
Mkandawire, S. B., Simooya-Mudenda, S. & Monde-Cheelo, P. (2017). Cultural Literacy in Zambia: A focus on Selected Myths and Taboos. Lusaka:Unzapress. ISBN: 978-9982-03-105-9.
Mkandawire, S. B. (2017). Familiar Language Based Instruction versus Unfamiliar Language for the Teaching of Reading and Writing Skills: A Focus on Zambian Languages and English at two Primary Schools in Lusaka. Zambian Journal of Language Studies, 1(1), 53-82. ISSN: 2415-668X. Click here to view or download
Mkandawire, S. B. (2017). Terminological Dilemma on Familiar language based instruction and English language: A reflection on Language of Initial Literacy Instruction in Zambia. Journal of Lexicography and Terminology, 1(1), 45-58. ISSN: 2517-9306. Click here to view or download
Mkandawire, S. B. & G. K. Tambulukani (2017). The Role Played by the Neganega Literacy Programme and Local Languages to the Development of Sustainable Adult Literacy Programming in Zambia. Zambian Journal of Language Studies, 1(1), 129-154. ISSN: 2415-668X. Click here to view or download.
Mkandawire, S. B., Wakumelo, M., & Mwanza, D. S. (2016). The Toponymics of Postcolonial Zambia: Street Naming Patterns in Lusaka. In O. Nyambi, T. Mangena & C. Pfukwa (Ed.), The Postcolonial Condition of Names and Naming Practices in Southern Africa (PP. 270-288). Newcastle, Uk: Cambridge Publishing Scholars. Hardcopy ISBN-13:978-1-4438-9691-7 and Electronic copy ISBN-10:1-4438-9691-8
Mkandawire S. B. (2015). The State of Affairs of Cultural Literacy in Zambia’s Multicultural Education System. In A. L. Jotia and J. Dudu (Ed.), Multicultural Education Discourses: Breaking Barriers of Exclusion in Selected African Contexts (PP. 190-204). Windhoek, Namibia: Zebra publishing (Pty) LTD ISBN: 978-99945-84-99-4
Mkandawire S. B. (2014). Knowledge Transfer and Research Uptake Literacy in Africa: A Focus on Sitwe’s Research Uptake, Communication and Utilisation (SRUCU) Model. Cape Town: DRUSSA. Available online only and can be accessed at
Mkandawire, S. B. (2013). Strategies and tools to facilitate Research Uptake Literacy Part I: Sitwe’s Research Uptake, Communication and Utilisation (RUCU) Model. Cape Town: DRUSSA. Available online only and can be accessed at
Mkandawire, S. B. (2013). Communicating Research Uptake: what to present and how to present it. Cape Town: DRUSSA. Available online only and can be accessed at
Mkandawire, S. B. (2015) Developed a Research uptake and Communication model (RUCOM)
Modules as Teaching and Learning Materials written
Mkandawire, S. B. (2016). The Origins and Development of Literacy. Module for IDE Students. (Completed and Reviewed)
Mkandawire, S. B. (2015). Advanced English Teaching Methods. Module for IDE Students. (Completed and Reviewed)
Mkandawire, S. B. (2015). Academic writing and Study Skills. Module for IDE Students. (Completed and Reviewed)
Mkandawire, S. B. (2014). Introduction to Cultural Studies and Ceremonies. Module for IDE Students. (Completed and Reviewed)
Recently Completed Research
2017 Mwansa, J. M. & Mkandawire S. B., Language Use in Multilingual Teaching Literacy in a Multilingual Context: Familiar vs Regional Language Discourses
2016 Mkandawire, S. B., Familiar Language Based Instruction versus Unfamiliar Language for the Teaching of Reading and Writing Skills: A Focus on Zambian Languages and English at two Primary Schools in Lusaka.
2016 Mkandawire, S. B., Simooya-Mudenda, S., and Monde-Chelo, P.Cultural Literacy in Zambia: A focus on Myths and Taboos in selected Zambian Communities.
2015 Mkandawire, S. B., Terminological Dilemma on Familiar language based instruction and English language: A reflection on Language of Initial Literacy Instruction in Zambian’s Policy Documents.
2015 Tambulukani, G.K., Banda, D., Mkandawire, S.B., Muyangana A.N., and Chishiba, A.K., Learner Support Services as Provided by IDE at the University of Zambia.
2015 Mkandawire, S. B. Developed a Science, Research uptake, Communication and Utilization model (RUCOM)
2015 Namafe, C. M., Chakulimba, O. C., Cheyeka, A. Mkandawire, S. B., Daka, H. and Kalikiti, W. The contribution of Livinstone's journey to the Culture of the Lala people of Chitambo where he died.
2014 Chakulimba, O. C., Tambulukani, G. K., Mkandawire, S. B., Ndhlovu, D. and Muzata, K. A Baseline Survey to Improve Life Chances of Children with Disabilities through Inclusive Education. Sponsored by Leonard Cheshire Disability (LCD).
2014 Mkandawire, S. B. Research Uptake Literacy in Zambia: Strategies and Tools. Self-Sponsored.
2014 Mkandawire, S. B. Zambian Cultural Literacy and the state of Affairs. Self-ponsored.
2013 Mkandawire, S. B. How European Universities Work with the Public, Private and Civil Society Sectors in Creating Graduate Linkages, Research uptake Literacy and Knowledge Transfer in some Selected Institutions in Germany, Switzerland, Israel, Netherlands, England and United Kingdom
2013 Mkandawire S. B. and Tambulukani G. K. The Role Of Adult Literacy in Social and Economic Development in Zambia.
2013 Mkandawire, S. B. Strategies and Tools that Facilitate Research uptake Literacy, Utilization and Communication.
2012 Mkandawire, S. B. Air Pollution as a factor on Environmental Literacy in Lusaka City of Zambia.
2012 With Mildred Nkolola Wakumelo as Principal researcher, Mkandawire, B. and D. S. Mwanza as co-researchers on a study entitled ‘An Onomastic Journey through post-colonial Zambia: A survey on the process and Etymologies of street names in some low residential Suburbs of the Lusaka District of Zambia’. Yet to be published.
2011 With G. K. Tambulukani and D. Banda as principal researchers, Mkandawire S. B. as co-researcher on a study entitled ‘Factors that lead to low literacy levels in PRP SITE course programme’. A study Sponsored by Room to Read, Lusaka Zambia.
2008 Mkandawire, S. B. Figures of Speech in Senga and Tumbuka languages’. Unpublished paper, University of Zambia, Lusaka