Central Office
The Office of the Dean of Students serves as the Central Office for the Unit with overall responsibility for student governance and personnel services, disciplinary control, management of student registration and records, policy development, coordination of planned activities, supervision of members of staff, financial management and control, and general administration.
In order to meet these obligations, the Dean of Student of Students is assisted by the Deputy Dean of Students and two Senior Administrative Officers as well as the Heads of Department.
Our Vision
The Unit’s vision is rooted in the mitigation for a conducive learning and living environment and the improvement of infrastructure and facilities with a view to enhancing non-academic aspects, social welfare and personnel services for students registered in the University.
Our Mission
The Student Affairs Unit is enunciated under Article 35 if the University Act No. 11 of 1999. As articulated in the Act, the mission of the Unit is to exercise overall responsibility for the organization, coordination and administration of the various non-academic aspects, social welfare and personnel services for students registered in the University. The guiding principles of the Unit’s mission in relation to the vision of the University are inclusiveness, appropriateness, responsiveness, accountability, transparency, social justice and fairness, proaction and zero tolerance to corruption.