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Lilian Chipatu





Chipatu, L (2012) Education to Address Negative Impacts of Mining: Case of Kankoyo Township. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing (ISBN No. 9783848488155)

 Chapter in Books

Contributing author to book: Wolfgang, B. et al., (2012) The Parts and the Whole: A Holistic approach to Environmental and Sustainability Education. Swedish International Centre for Education for Sustainable Development, Visby, Sweden (ISBN 978-91-637-1218-0). Launched at the Environmental Education Association for Southern Africa conference in Grahamstown, Rhodes University on 12th September 2012).

Chipatu, L. (2016). Environmental Learning that Encourages Agency: Lusaka: UNZA Press ISBN 978-9982-70-161-7.

Unpublished Learning Materials

Chipatu, L (2014)           Teaching and Learning Techniques in Environmental Education Module – 1. Institute of Distance Education, University of Zambia.

 Completed research

2016  Chipatu L., Mubita, K., Nakazwe, M and Bwalya. I. on a study entilted‘An Investigation of Transport Safety Measures and Awareness in selected schools of Western, Northern Province and Copper belt Provinces’

2015  Mubita, K., Nakazwe, M., Chipatu, L and Bwalya, I.’ on a study entitled ‘A risk Assessment of Selected School of Kafue District of Zambia’.

2014  Chipatu, L., Nakazwe, M., Mudenda, S, S and Cheelo, P, M. on a study entitled “Zambian Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Practices that Promote Environmental Sustainability: A Case of the Lozi Culture’. Findings  of the research were presented at  EEASA Conference held at the University of Namibia between 9th  September 2014 (Self Sponsored).

2014  Chipatu, L., Nakazwe, M.K., and Zulu. H.E, on a study entitledGreening Institutions: A case of the University of Zambia’. Findings of the research were presented at the EEASA Conference held at Rhodes University in South Africa between 11th September 2012 (Self Sponsored).

2013  Chipatu, L, Mweemba, L. and Phiri, T, K and on a study entitled ‘Education for Strong Sustainability   Agency Change Project at Nkrumah University, Chipata College of Education and University of Zambia’. Research grant funded by Swedish Centre for Education for Sustainability Development (SWEDESD). Findings of the research were presented at the EEASA Conference held at the University of Namibia on 10th September 2014.


2012  Chipatu, L on a study entitled ‘Teaching Techniques and Resources that can promote behavior Change in Learners” Finding of the research were co- presented with Zulu, H.E and Nakazwe M.K   at Rhodes University in South Africa between 11th September 2012 (Self Sponsored).

2011  Environmental Education to address negative impacts of copper mining Case of Kankoyo Township. Findings of the research were published in a book. Research funded by the University of Zambia.




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