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Benard Chileshe





2013:    Namafe, C.M and Chileshe, B. “Contextualizing the curriculum through local floodplain artifacts at Lealui Basic School of Western Zambia”, Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 29/30 (2012/2013).

2012Moonga, S.M. and Chileshe, B. and Mweemba, L. “Enhancing Partnerships to Mobilise Indigenous Knowledge and Culture for ESD”. In Proceedings of the EEASA Conference held at Rhodes University. South Africa between 11th September and 14th September 2012.

 2011:Mweemba, L., Simuyaba E., and Chileshe, B. “Communication Risks of Climate Change: Towards a Method for Strengthening Partnerships for Climate Change Education in Zambia”,In The Proceedings of the EASA Conference held at the University of Lesotho, between 3rd and 6th  October 2011.

2008:  Namafe, C M and Chileshe B “Exploring Relevancy and Quality in Zambia through the Strengths Model of Education for SustainableDevelopment” In The Proceedings of the EEASA Conference held at the University of Swaziland, between 28th July and 1st August 2008. 

2007  Chileshe, B. (2007) The B Ed (EE) Degree Programme finally takes off at UNZA, The Environmental Education Bulletin No. 32, 2007.

2007 Madyangove, T.R., Chileshe, B., K. and Saukani, A (2007) Critical  Reflections on CBNRM as an Education al Response to environmental Issues and Risks, The Environmental Education Bulletin No. 32, 2007

2005Chileshe, B. “New School Discipline: Dealing with the Behavior of a geography pupil in a Changing Society”, Nkrumah Journal of Research in Education, No. 3, 2005.


Research Completed

2013  Chileshe, B. and Moonga, S.M. Scavenging as a Source of Livelihood: the Case of Scavengers at Lusaka’s Chunga Landfill 

2013 Moonga, S.M., Chileshe, B. and Chakulimba, O. Sustaining Clean and Green Environments: The Case of the University of Zambia.

                2011                       Namafe, C.M and Chileshe, B. Contextualizing the curriculum through                                                   local       floodplain artifacts at Lealui Basic School of Western Zambia.

                2011                       Mweemba, L., Simuyaba E., and Chileshe, B. Communication Risks of                                                     Climate Change: Towards a Method for Strengthening Partnerships for                                                                Climate Change Education in Zambia.

                2011       Moonga, S.M. and Chileshe, B. and Mweemba, L. Enhancing                                                      Partnerships to Mobilise Indigenous Knowledge and culture for ESD.

                2010                      Moonga, S.M. and Chileshe, B. Survey of Alliances, Networks and                                                                            Partnerships for the Environmental/Geography Education at the                                                                              University of Zambia (UNZA).

                2009:                     Namafe, C.M and Chileshe, B. Environmental and Sustainability                                                                                Education at      Lealui    Basic School (Western Province). Southern African                                                           Development    Community – Regional Environmental Education                                                                               Programme (SADC-REEP),            Howick, South Africa.

2007                       Namafe, C.M. and Chileshe, B. “Proposed work book on what Piloted                                                    Basic School   in Western Zambia are best at in Environmental and                                                       sustainability Education”,                 Research done in partnership with Rhodes                                                          University and the SADC Regional                 Environmental programme.

2001                       Chileshe, B The impact of Urban Growth on Indigenous Vegetation,                                       Kasama, Northern Province, Unpublished M Sc ( Geography )                                                       Dissertation, UNZA, Lusaka.



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