How to apply

The exchange programme is done under the terms and conditions set in a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between UNZA and a partner University. Usually, fees are waived, and students remain enrolled at their home university (and pay their usual fees to the home university). Exchange students are expected to return to their home University, course credits are transferred when appropriate and approved, and the student graduates from the home University. The University of Zambia provides several internationally recognized programmes in the following 13 schools 

Students smiling

  • Education 

  • Humanities and Social Sciences 

  • Agricultural Sciences 

  • Mines 

  • Natural Sciences 

  • Veterinary Medicine 

  • Medicine 

  • Nursing Sciences 

  • Health Sciences 

  • Public Health 

  • Graduate School of Business 

  • Law 

  • Engineering 


All programmes offered are also available for exchange students. The application process for exchange programmes starts from the international office of the student’s home university, where more information on the application process is acquired. It is important to note, however, that Exchange students who are not attached to any agreement are also welcome. 

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the International Link and Liaison Office for detailed information on : 

Standard procedure for Incoming Exchange Students is as follows 

  1. All incoming exchange students shall be nominated by their home universities  

  2. Nominated students are invited to submit their applications to UNZA  

  3. The application round for exchange students is open throughout the year, but applications should be submitted at least 3 months before the commencement of the programme. 

  1. The applications shall be assessed by the host units within UNZA before an invitation letter is given by the International Link and Liaison Office.  The Academic Office or Directorate of Research and Graduate Studies shall then issue an official admission letter to the applicant 


Language requirements 

The medium of instruction and examination for all programmes at the University of Zambia is English. Students admitted to the University of Zambia are expected to be proficient in the English Language. You do not need to submit evidence of your English Language proficiency when you make your application to UNZA. Nevertheless, if you have already achieved the required grade and qualification in English language, please attach your grade/qualification along with your other qualifications. 

Students admitted to the University may address any foreign language deficiency by taking English language courses to meet the beginning level of proficiency. The University of Zambia offers three (3) levels of English language proficiency courses, starting with the beginner's elementary level to intermediate and advanced levels. For Complete details on the language proficiency, contact the Head of the Department of Literature and Languages via email.