Academic symposium and stakeholder workshop
Traditional foods for the future
Transdisciplinary approaches to promote food and nutrition security in Africa and to advance Sustainable Development Goals
Many local traditional foods exist that are part of local culture and tradition. They are usually well suited to local agronomic practices and informal value chains and, have great potential to promote nutrition and livelihoods. However, due to specific characteristics of each of these foods and the focus on globally available alternatives, local traditional foods have been understudied. This has hampered their use to promote nutrition and livelihoods within the local context of many LMIC.
To promote traditional foods, a symposium will be organized, specifically focusing on local traditional (fermented) foods in Southern Africa. This symposium will cover six topics and their interrelationships:
- Food fermentation: processing and product functionality
- Microbial ecology of the environment and fermented foods
- Food environment, diets and health
- Personal entrepreneurial context
- Value chains and institutions
- Consumer needs and preference
LOCATION: The symposium will take place at the University of Zambia, Great East Road Campus. More details will follow.
Tuesday 11 Feb: academic symposium day 1
Wednesday 12 Feb: academic symposium day 2
Thursday 13 Feb: stakeholder meeting
DEADLINES: call for abstracts 15 Dec 2024, registration 15 Jan 2025
REGISTRATION: No registration fee, lunch included. Register here
TRAVEL SUPPORT: Financial support for travel of selected participants and some selected abstracts will be offered