Dr. Liberty Mweemba

Category: Researchers
Published on Friday, 05 February 2016 10:17
Written by PReSTID




Mweemba, L. (2014):Idle Handsand the Unemployment Dilemma: Causes and Consequences of Graduate Unemployment in Zambia.” Addis Ababa OSSREA, ISBN 978-99944-55-36-2.

Mweemba, L. Hampwayi G., Merridy, W., Fonwa, S.  (2013). A profile of Higher Education in Southern Africa. Volume 1 : A Regional Perspective. Johannesburg, SARUA. ISBN 978-0-9869903-7-3.

Mweemba, L. Hampwayi G., Merridy, W., Fonwa, S.  (2013). A profile of Higher Education in Southern Africa. Volume 2, National Perspective. Johannesburg,SARUA. ISBN 978-0-9869903-8-0.

Mweemba, L. (2012), Ecological Risk Perception in Zambia: Towards a Method for ImprovingPublic Participation in Ecological Risk Management.Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-8473-3116-2.(PhD. Published thesis)



Mweemba, L (2015) “Learning and Sustainable Development: A path way to sustainability” Learning Sustainable development goals in Zambia through Environmental Education, ISBN, 978-9982-70-161-7 pp 121-142.

Mweemba, L. (2015) “Environmental Education in Zambia: Why the Resurgence? In Formal Education in Zambia at 50 years: History, Current Status and Future Prospects (In press -Chapter accepted).

Mweemba, L., Namafe, C., Moonga, M.S. & Muchanga, M. (2015) “Understanding thestudent teacher, the teacher educator and the context”. Guide Book on                             Education for Sustainable Development: Effective Teaching and                                  learning in Teacher training Institutions. Book project sponsored by                   UNESCO. (In press).

Mweemba, L. (2014) “Graduate Unemployment and Marginalization in Zambia: A dark                                       Cloud on the Horizon”. Employment Policies and Unemployment in Eastern and Southern Africa. ISBN – 978-99944-55-72, PP 1 – 27.



Mweemba, L., Banja, M.K., Ndhlovu, D., Ziwa J.L.I., & Siachigongu N. (2015) “Perspectivesof University of Zambia Trainee Teachers on Research Proposal supervision: Voices from the Grassroots. (In Press- Zambia Journal of Education)

Mweemba, L. (principal), Banda, D., Muleya, G., & Simuyaba E.H. (2015) “Theory against Practice: Training of Teachers in a Vacuum”. Journal of  Education & Social Policy). Vol 2. No 5 pp 88-96.

Mweemba, L.  (2015) “Shaping minds to action: An evaluation of the environmental influences of primary school pupils in an urbanizing community of  Lusaka, Zambia” Journal of Environment, Development and  Sustainability Vol. 17 issue 3, 641-652.  ISSN 1573-2997 (Print – 1387 – 585X).

Mweemba, L. (2015) “Climate Change in the Zambian Mind: Communicating risk                                    perception of climate change and variability in Zambia”. Zambia  Social Science Journal Vol 5 No 1 (In Press ).

Mweemba, L (2013) “Environmental Citizenship: The power of Awareness, Values, Ethics and Participation in Planning for Sustainable Development”. Journal of Humanities. VOL 1, 95-124. ISSN 1027-7455.

Mweemba, L. (2011), Greening our Future and Environmental Values: An investigation of Perception, Attitudes and Awareness of Environmental issues in Zambia. Journal of Environmental values. Vol.19, 485-516. Refereed.   ISSN: 0963-2719.

Mweemba, L. (2011), Environmental Self-efficacy, Attitude and Behaviour among SmallScale Farmers in Zambia, Journal of Environment, Development andSustainability (Springer journals) Vol. 12, 727-744. Refereed ISSN 1573-2997 (Print – 1387 – 585X).

Mweemba, L. (2010), Environmental degradation and Rural Poverty in Zambia: A Silent Alliance: Research Journal of Applied Sciences 3(5): 369-376. Refereed ISSN 1993-6079.



Mweemba, L.  (2014) “Educative Practicum Experiences for Prospective Teachers: A framework for Teacher Induction” Proceedings of  the 2014 2rd International Conference on Teaching Practice in Education:    Teaching Practice in the 21st century – Emerging trends, challenges  and opportunities, 26 – 28th August  BirchWood Hotel, Boksburg,  Johannesburg, South Africa. Pp 84 – 99.

Mweemba, L. ,Simuyaba, E.H, & Chileshe B. (2011), “Communicating Risks of ClimateChange and Variability: Towards a method for strengthening partnerships for Climate  Change Education in Zambia.” Proceedings of2011 internationalConference on EnvironmentalEducation Associatio of Southern  Africa, October 3rd – 6th, Maseru, Lesotho. Pp 21 – 47. Refereed.

Moonga, M.S. & Mweemba, L. (2011), “Enhancing Partnerships to mobilize Indigenous Knowledge and culture for Education for Sustainable Development: Acase study of University of Zambia community.” Proceedings of 201   InternationalConference on EnvironmentalEducation Association of Southern Africa, October 3rd – 6th, Maseru, Lesotho. Pp 483 – 497. Refereed

Mweemba, L. (2011), Climate Change Risk perceptions begin from Home: Voices from the Grassroots. Proceedings of 2010 international conference onEnvironmental Science and Development, (CESD, 2010), June 26-28,2010 Singapore. ISBN 13, pp 254-259. Refereed.



2015 to date:Editorial board member for the Zambian Journal for Religion and  Contemporary Issues 

2011 to date:  Reviewer for “Journal of Law and Social Sciences.    

2011 to date:                  Reviewer for “Journal of Media and Communication Studies  (JMCS)”.

2011 to date:                  Reviewer for Educational Research Journal


 Mweemba, L. (2012), ‘Special Topics in Social Studies’ (Module prepared for the Institute of Distance Education of the University of Zambia).

 Mweemba, L. (2012), ‘Fundamentals of Human Geography’ (Module prepared for Rusangu University).

 Mweemba, L. (2012), ‘Air Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing’ (Module prepared for Rusangu University).

 Mweemba, L. (2011), Conducting and Supervising Field project work in Zambia’s High  Schools. (High School text book).

2006:  New publication Author project for Longman Junior SecondaryGeography Pupils Book and Teacher’s Guide  

2006:  Unpublished training Modules for Zambia Open University (SOS 202,SOS 381)

2006:  Unpublished training modules for Zambia Adventist University(GEOG 112, GEOG 360, GEOG 312, GEOG 300


2015:  Mweemba, L. (Principal) Banda, D. Simuyaba H.E & Muleya, G. “Education   for Sustainable Development in Zambia: Challenges, Practices and Prospects in Post 2015 development agendas”. Paper presented at the Southern AfricanComparative and History of Education Society (SACHES), Education access to quality education in post 2015 development agendas-University of the Free State, South Campus, Bloemfontein, South Africa.

2015:Mweemba, L. “Shaping minds to action: An evaluation of the environmental influences of primary school pupils in an urbanizing community of Lusaka,  Zambia” (Article published).

2014:          Mweemba, L. “Educative Practicum Experiences for Prospective Teachers: A framework for Teacher Induction” Supported by UNISA. Paper presented( Keynote speech) at the 2rd  International Conference on Teaching Practice in Education: Teaching Practice in the 21st century – Emerging trends, challenges and opportunities – BirchWood Hotel, Boksburg, Johannesburg, South  Africa. (Published)

2014:          Mweemba, L. “Truck Drivers’ Environmental and Energy Attitudes at  Chirundu Border Post: An Exploratory Analysis”. Paper presented at theSouthern African Comparative and History of Education Society (SACHES),Education and development within a Neoliberal Economic Climate- Blue Water Hotel, Durban, South Africa.

2014:          Mweemba, L., “Reflections on Eco-Schools: Giving Pupils tools to be involved and engaged in creating their future.” Supported by Zambia NationalCommission for UNESCO. Paper Presented and submitted to the Zambia National Commission for UNESCO at the Education for Sustainable development and curriculum in Zambia workshop, Curriculum Development Centre, Lusaka Zambia.

2013:Mweemba, L. (Principal), Phiri, T., & Chipatu, L. “Evaluation and Monitoring of Education for Sustainable Development Change Projects in Zambia”. Research grant awarded by Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development (SWEDESD of UPPSALA University). (Report submitted to SWEDESD).

2013:Mweemba, L.(Principal) Banda, D. Muleya, G. & Simuyaba, E.H. “Teaching Pupils versus teaching subjects: A case of student teachers of the University of Zambia on School Experience”.  (Paper presented at the 7th Annual University Teaching and learning Conference – EdgeWood Conference Center,  Pinetown UKZN, Durban, South Africa, 24th – 27th September, 2013.

2013:Mweemba, L. (Principal), Banja, M.K., Ndhlovu, D., Ziwa J.L.I., & Siachigongu N. “Perspectives of University of Zambia Trainee Teachers on Research Proposal supervision: Voices from the grassroots. (Paper accepted in Press – Zambia Journal of Education).

2013:Mweemba, L. “Facing the challenges of HIV/AIDS: Exploring the Sexual Debut, Vunerability and Condom use among sexually active secondary school pupils in Lusaka and Southern Provinces”. Research grant awarded by the Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH). (Paper presented at the ‘Reading Beyond conference IV’, Commonwealth Youth Program Centre, Lusaka, 10th - 12th December 2013.

2013:          Mweemba, L.  “Graduate Unemployment and Marginalization in Zambia: A                    Dark Cloud on the Horizon”. Research grant awarded by OSSREA                      (Published).

2013:          Mweemba, L. “Lusaka Toilets and Luangwa Mosquito Nets: Understanding Households’   Environmental Health Decisions in Zambia”. (paper submitted for   publication).

2013:Mweemba. L. (Principal), Banda, D., Simuyaba, E.H., Muleya, G. and Machila, N. “Education for Sustainable Development: Pedagogical Potentials and Challenges”.  (Paper presented at an International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Africa: Challenges and prospects for the next decade, University of Namibia – Katima Mulilo Campus, 9th – 12th July 2013.

2013:Mweemba, L. (Principal), Machila, N & Mulenga, L. “A perspective of the challenges faced by  basic schools in teaching Social and Development Studies”. (Paper presented at an international conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Africa: Challenges and prospects for the next decade, University of Namibia – Katima Mulilo Campus, 9th – 12th July 2013.

2013:Mweemba, L. (Principal), Banda, D., Muleya, G., & Simuyaba E.H. “Theory against Practice: Training of Teachers in a Vacuum”.       (Paper presented at an international conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Africa: Challenges and prospects for the next decade, University of Namibia – Katima Mulilo Campus, 9th – 12th July, 2013

2013:    Mweemba, L “Environmental Citizenship: The power of Awareness, Values, Ethics and Participation in planning for sustainable development” Research grant awarded by OSSREA, (published)

2012:Mweemba, L., Matafwali, B. (Principal), Munsaka, E. & Muleya, G.) “Mapping and Evaluation of EarlyChildhood Care Development and Education in Zambia.”  Research Grant awarded by UNICEF. (Report submitted to UNICEF).

2012:          Mweemba, L. “Environmental Citizenship: The power of Awareness, Values,  Ethics and Participation in planning for sustainable development”. Fund provided for by OSSREA Zambian Chapter. (Report submitted to OSSREA for publication).

2012:Mweemba, L. (Principal) & Hampwayi, G.  “Profiling of Higher Education in Southern Africa: A Regional Perspective.  Research Grant awarded by Directorate for Institutional Research and Academic Planning (DIRAP), University of the Free State    (Published).

2012: Mweemba, L.“Idle Handsand the Unemployment Dilemma: Causes and Consequences ofUnemployment in Zambia.” Research Grant Awarded by Organization for Social Science Research inEasternand Southern Africa (OSSREA).  (Published).

2012:Mweemba, L. (Principal), Chakulimba, O., Banda, D., Simuyaba, H.E., Muleya, G. “What matters in school teaching experience? The perceptions of school managers on the effectiveness of student teachers from the University of Zambia.” Research made possible by School of Education. (Findings submitted to school of education).

2011:Mweemba, L., Chakanika W.W., Kasonde Ngandu, S. (Principal), Chakulimba, O.C, Matafwali, B., Milingo, T., and Simuyaba E.H. ‘Trainee Teachers’ Evaluation of School Teaching Experience: A case study of students trained by the University of Zambia.  

2011:Mweemba, L. (Principal), Moonga M. & Simuyaba  E.H.Climate Change in the ZambianMind: Communicating RiskPerception ofClimate  Change and variability inZambia.Awarded SEED Fund by Directorateof Research and Graduate Studies, UNZA. (Report submitted to DRGS).

2011:Mweemba, L.  (Principal), Simuyaba, H.E. & Chileshe B.Communicating Risks of Climate Change and Variability: Towards a method for   Strengthening partnerships for Climate Change Education in Zambia”. Paper published.

2011:Mweemba, L.“Gender perspectives on climate change and vulnerability in Zambia.” Research Grant Awarded by Organization for Social Science Researchin Easternand Southern Africa (OSSREA). (Report submitted to OSSREA for publication).

2010:   Mweemba, L. “An investigation of Perception, Attitudes and Awareness of Environmental issuesamong University and College students in Zambia.

2010:          Mweemba, L. (Principal) & Wu, H.) “Spatial and Temporal Distribution of

Phytoplankton in Swallow EutrophicLakesin Wuhan, China: The relationshipbetween phytoplankton CommunityDistribution and Environmental Variables.”(Research funded by HUST) (Report submitted to HUST).

2010:                   Mweemba, L.“Environmental self – efficacy, Attitude and Behaviour among Small Scale Farmers in Zambia.  (Article published).

2010:  Mweemba, L. “Environmental degradation and Rural Poverty in Zambia: Asilent Alliance”.  (Article published).

2010:          Mweemba, L.   Ecological Risk Perception in Zambia: Towards a Methodfor Improving Public Participation in Ecological Risk Management”. Doctoralresearch (thesis published).

2009:  Mweemba, L. “The causes of Examination Likages and malpractices in  ZambianHigh Schools.

2004:         Mweemba, L. (Principle) & E. Katukula). “Socio- Economic impact of migration on Women Refugees in Mwange Refugee Camp.”  Funded by Ministry of Defence and UNHCR.  Report submitted to M.O.D and UNHCR).

2004:         Mweemba, L. “The Impact of Small Scale farming on Agricultural Land Resources in Magoye West.”, UNZA, 2004.MSc. Dissertation.

2002:          Mweemba, L. “Poverty, Agricultural Production and Food Security.”  (FAO), Coordinated by farming systems Association of Zambia. (Research Assistant).

2001:         Mweemba, L.Urban-Rural fertility differentials in Zambia:  The Explanatory role of the intermediate fertility variables.   (Research Assistant).

1995: Mweemba, L. “Female farmers and their role in food production:  A case study of Bweengwa.

1994:          Mweemba, L. “Street vending in the CBD of Lusaka and their response to Re-location to thenew Soweto Market”. Lusaka, Zambia.