Dr. Peter C. Manchishi

Category: Researchers
Published on Friday, 29 January 2016 11:23
Written by PReSTID




Manchishi P.C. (2017) Communicative Language Testing. Lusaka: unzapress

Manchishi P.C. (2015) Variations D’Enonc’es. Lusaka: UNZA Press ISBN  978 – 9982 – 03-082 -3

Manchishi . P.C ( 2013) Reforming Zambian Pre -service  Teacher Education  for Quality Learning. ISBN 978-9982-03-069-4

Manchishi, P. C. (2007), Language Teaching: Games and Activities.  Lusaka: UNZA Press.ISBN 978-9982-03-048-9

Manchishi; P.C.; Musona, E. (1990). The people of Zambia. A short history of the Soli 1500 – 1900. Lusaka: Multimedia. ISBN 9982-30-020-2


Chapters in Books

Manchishi P.C. & Hamweete, W. (2017). Education in the First Republic in Formal Education in Zambia at 50 years: History, Current Status and Future Prospects. 

Manchishi P.C. Banda D. (2014) “In-service Teacher Education in Zambia in Teachers Education” ISBN 978-9963-2093 5-4

Manchishi P. C. (2007), Teacher Education in Zambia:  Past, Present and Future Prospects.  In Chondoka, Y. A. Phiri, B. J. Chabatama, C. M. (Eds).  Zambia Forty Years after Independence 1964 – 2004. (pp116 – 136) Lusaka: Department of History UNZA. ISBN 9982-9918-2-5

Manchishi, P.C. (2000). The Role of Teaching Practice in the Preparation of Teachers in Msango, H.; Mumba, E.; Sikwibele, A.L. (eds). Philosophy and Education. (Pp 225-236). Lusaka: UNZA Press. ISBN 9982-03-027-2


Journal Articles

 In Refereed Journals

 Manchishi P.C., and Mwanza S.D. (2016) Teacher Preparation at the University of Zambia: Is peer teaching still a useful strategy. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education. Vol.3, issue 11, ISSN 2349-0337 (print), ISSN 2349-0381 (online).

Chishiba G. M. and Manchishi, P. C. (2016). The language Strategy in the Zambian Education System from 1924 to 2014. Vol. 1. PP54-59. ISSN 2334-234X (Print), ISSN 2334-2358 (online).

Kabeta R. M, Manchishi P.C. Instructional Leadership and its Effects on the Teaching and Learning Process in International Journal of Science and Research, Vol issue 4 ISSN 2319-7064 (on-line)

Manchishi P.C., Ndhlovu Z. , Mwanza S.D. (2015) Common mistakes committed and challenges faced in proposal writing by postgraduate students at UNZA.

The University of Zambia School Experience; Is it Effective in Excellence in Higher Education Vol 4 no.2 pp 61-77, ISSN 2153-9669 (print) 2153-9677 (online).

Manchishi P.C.  Masaiti G.  (2011)   The University of Zambia Pre-

Service Teacher Education Programme:  Is it Responsive to Schools and Communities’ Aspirations?  In European Journal of Education Studies Vol. 3 Issue 2 June 2011 ISSN 1946-6331.

Kanyanga S.B. Manchishi P.C.,Ndubani P. Chomba C., Mulavu S.,Simasiku R. M.[, 2011] Supervision and Completion Time for Postgraduate Students at the University of Zambia. “Zambia Journal of Education Vol 3 No. 1 LSSN: 1996 – 3645)

Manchishi, P. C. (2006).  Strengthening Values Education in Schools in Zambian Journal of Education; Vol. 1 No. 1, 2007

Manchishi P. C. (2006).  Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers in  Zambia Journal of Education: Vol. 1 No. 1, 2007

Manchishi, P.C. (2004). “French in Zambia” in Le Francais dans le Monde, No 8, (Pp 10-13). (This is a reputable international journal for teachers of French sponsored by the French Ministry of Education in Paris).

Manchishi, P.C. (2004) The growth of teacher education in Zambia. The African Symposium, Vol. 4 No. 4, (An on-line publication of the African Educational Research Network – Albany State University).

Manchishi, P.C. (2004) The status of the indigenous languages in institutions of learning in Zambia. Past, present and future. The African Symposium Vol 4 No. 1 (An on-line publication of the African Educational Research Network – Albany State University).

Manchishi, P.C. (1996).          “In-service teacher training in Zambia. An evaluation of the Zambia Primary Course at the National In-Service Teachers’ College (NISTCOL)” Zambia Educational Research Network  Volume 1 Nos. 3–4. 12–22.


 Non-Refereed Journals

Manchishi, P.C. (2003).          Activite’ de la decouverte. French Bulletin. No. 4, 9 – 12. A publication of the Zambia Association of French Teachers (ZAFT).

Manchishi, P.C. (1998).          “Guided  oral expression” French Bulletin No. 1. 22 – 24.

Manchishi, P.C. (1997).          “Some comments on language textbooks” French Bulletin No. 1.

Manchishi, P.C. (1987).          ‘Is the teaching of French necessary in Zambia” in Nkrumah Teachers’ College Educational Review, Volume 4. 12–17.

Manchishi, P.C. (1984).          “Linguistics and the teaching of French as a foreign language.” Nkrumah Teachers’ College Educational Review Volume 2. 9–11.

Manchishi, P.C. (1984).          “An examination of one method of generating and one method of scoring cloze tests with students of French.” In Nkrumah Teachers’ College Educational Review Volume 1. 44–49.

Manchishi, P.C. (1980).          “Some comments on multiple choice questions” French Bulletin, No. 9. 50–52.

Manchishi, P.C. (1979).          “Testing techniques” French Bulletin No. 8.

Manchishi, P.C. (1979).          “Test classification” French Bulletin No. 6/7. 35 – 36.

Manchishi, P.C. (1978).          “Cloze Test” French Bulletin No. 5. 24–25.

Manchishi, P.C. (1978).          “Evaluation” French Bulletin No. 5. 25–27.


Book Reviews

Manchishi, P.C. (2003). Education in Zambia catholic perspective. (by Carmody B.) in International Journal of Education of Religion IV 101 – 102.


Unpublished Research Reports

 2014    Manchishi .P.C Ndhlovu Z . Mwanza D.S .Common mistakes

and problems in Research proposal writing by Unza Postgraduate Students.

2012  Manchishi .P.C  Mwanza .D.S University of Zambia School

 Experience. Is it Effective?

2011 Manchishi ..P.C  Masaiti G University of  Zambia Pre- service

 Teacher Education: Is it Responsive

 To Schools and Communities Aspirations?

Kanyanga S.B (2007). Ndubani, P, Manchishi P.C. Chomba C. Factors Affecting Time Completion of Postgraduate Programmes at the University y of Zambia

 Kasanda, S.M. Manchishi, P.C.; Kanyika, J.; Chilala, M. (2005). Education for All Framework.

Manchishi, P.C. (2003). Evaluation of the Book Development Project of the Pan Africa Teachers’ Centre (PATC).

Manchishi, P.C. (2002). Two Years after Dakar Education For All (Zambia) Pan African Teachers’ Centre (PATC).

Manchishi, P.C. (2002). The Cooperating Schools’ Ratings of the University of Zambia Trainee – Teachers.

Manchishi, P.C. (2001). Why they Decided to Learn a Second Foreign Language (French).

Manchishi, P.C. (2001). An Inventory of Soli Proverbs.

Manchishi, P.C. (2001). “Notes on Approaches in Language Teaching”

Manchishi, P.C.; Chishiba, G.M.; Phiri, N. (2001). An Assessment of the French Programme at  Nkrumah Teachers’ College. Recommendations for Future Development.

Manchishi, P.C. (1999). Academics’ Involvement in Research and Publication Activities at Nkrumah Teachers’ College.

Manchishi, P.C.; Chondoka, Y. (1999) The Historical Background to Curriculum Development in Zambia 1883 – 1999.

Manchishi, P.C. (1998) Impact of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values at Sathya Sai School in Ndola, Zambia.

Manchishi, P.C.; Chishiba, G.N. (1997). An Investigation into the Teaching of French in Zambia.

Manchishi, P.C. (1997). An Investigation into the Communicative Needs of Grade Twelve Pupils Learning French in Public Secondary Schools in Lusaka.

Manchishi, P.C.; Chelu, F.; Chikalanga, I.; Chilangwa, B.Y.; Wamulwange, I. (1995). Training and Utilisation of Teachers in Zambia.

Manchishi, P.C. (1990). Issues Related to User Charges for Education: Ability to Pay in Zambia.


Module Preparation

2010-2012       Prepared modules for the Institute of Distance Education (IDE) UNZA: LSE 382 and LSE 481.

2007 Prepared modules for the Zambia Open University: EDS  78 and EDS 88.



 2003 – 2004    One of the lecturers in the School of Education who reviewed Dr. M. Kamwengo’s manuscripts, which were published as books; “Elderly Women in South Africa” and “Growing Old in Zambia”New Delhi, Sterling International



 2016                Manchishi P.C. Mwanza D.S. Pre- service Teacher Training methods: 

                        Is peer Teaching still a valid tool?

2015                Ndhlovu Z. Manchishi P.C. Comperative investigation into the class

                        room performance of Exempted and not-Exempted students from

                        Sociology of Education of Education and Educational Psychology at

 UNZA (On-going).

2014-2015       Manchishi P.C. , Kasonde-Ng’andu S., Muyangana Siame; PhD Training

                        programmes in Zambia; The case     of the University of Zambia. (self


2013                Manchishi  P.C  Ndhlovu Z  Mwanza D.S. Common Mistakes and 

                        problems in Research Proposal Writing by the University of Zambia

                        Postgraduate Students. (self sponsored), (on-going)


2012                Manchishi PC and  Mwanza D.S The university of Zambia school

experience: Is it  Effective? An article was published from this research. (self sponsored).


     2009-2010   P.C.   Manchishi , G.  Masaiti “ Responsiveness  of     UNZA`s  Pre-

                        Service  Teacher Education Programme  to   Schools  and

Communities.” Sponsored by the Directorate of Research and graduate

studies, UNZA Article published.


2009 – 2010    C.  Namafe, Manchishi P.C. and others;“ Educational  Values  in

                        Zambian Traditional   Ceremonies”    sponsored by the School of



2006-2007 Prof. Kanyanga S.B. Manchishi P. C., Dr. Ndubani P.S  Chomba) Factors Affecting the Programme Completion Time of Postgraduate Students at the University of Zambia (UNZA).” Sponsored by VLIR – North South Collaborative Research Project. 


2006  Chondoka, Y. Manchishi P. C..  “State of Community Schools in Zambia”.  Sponsored by UNICEF.


2006 Manchishi P.C. “Practices of School Based Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Selected Basic and High Schools in Lusaka.” Self sponsored. Findings were used to write an article which was  published in the School of Education Journal. “Zambia Journal of Education”


2005 Kamwengo   Manchishi, P.C., Simukoko, R. “Situation of Older People in Zambia.” Sponsored by Help Age International, Nairobi, Kenya.


2004 Chondoka, Y. Manchishi P.C., Hamaimbo, G. “Evaluation of FAWEZA Educational Programmes.” Sponsored by FAWEZA.


2003 Manchishi, P.C. “Evaluation of the Book Development Project of the Pan African Teachers” Centre (PATC)” sponsored by PATC, Lome, Togo.


2003 Manchishi, P.C. “Two Years After Dakar Education For All (Zambia).” Sponsored by the Pan African Teachers’ Centre –, Togo.


2002 Manchishi, P.C. “The Cooperating Schools’ Ratings of the University of Zambia Trainee – Teachers.” Findings were disseminated to the relevant departments in the School of Education, (self sponsored).


2001 Manchishi, P.C. “Why they Decided to Learn a Second Foreign Language (French)” Research which sought to find out why some Zambian workers decided to learn French at the Alliance Francaise copies submitted to the Alliance Francaise (Self sponsored).


2001 Manchishi, P.C. “An Inventory of Soli Proverbs.” A research which involved the collection and compilation of Soli Proverbs. copies submitted to the Soli Cultural Association. (Self Sponsored)


1999 Manchishi, P.C. “Academics’ Involvement in Research and Publication Activities at Nkrumah Teachers’ College,” copies submitted to the college and the Ministry of Education. (Self Sponsored)


1999 Manchishi, P.C.; Chondoka, Y. “The Historical Background to Curriculum Development in Zambia 1883–1999” sponsored by the Ministry of Education/DANIDA.


1998 Manchishi, P.C. “Impact of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values at Sathya Sai School in Ndola.” Sponsored by Sai Education Trust.


1998 Manchishi, P.C.; Chishiba, G.M. “An Investigation into the Teaching of French in Zambia” (a project financed by the French Embassy).


1997 Manchishi, P.C. “An Investigation into the Communicative Needs of Grade Twelve Pupils Learning French in Public Secondary Schools in Lusaka District.” (Self Sponsored).


1995 Manchishi, P.C. “In-Service Teacher Training in Zambia. An Evaluation of the Zambia Primary Course at the National In-Service Teachers’ College (NISTCOL).” Sponsored by the Zambia Educational Research Network (ZERNET) (Independent research).


1994 – 1995 Chelu, F. Manchishi, P.C; Wamulwange, I.; Chikalanga, I.; Chilangwa, B.Y. “Training and Utilisation of Teachers in Zambia,” Sponsored by the Ministry of Education/World Bank Project.


1990 Manchishi, P.C. “Issues Related to User Charges for Education: Ability to Pay in Zambia.” Sponsored by the Party Control Commission.